// Copyright (c) 2012, Matt T. Proud // All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // histogram.go provides a basic histogram metric, which can accumulate scalar // event values or samples. The underlying histogram implementation is designed // to be performant in that it accepts tolerable inaccuracies. // TOOD(mtp): Implement visualization and exporting. package metrics import ( "bytes" "fmt" "math" "strconv" ) // This generates count-buckets of equal size distributed along the open // interval of lower to upper. For instance, {lower=0, upper=10, count=5} // yields the following: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]. func EquallySizedBucketsFor(lower, upper float64, count int) []float64 { buckets := make([]float64, count) partitionSize := (upper - lower) / float64(count) for i := 0; i < count; i++ { m := float64(i) buckets[i] = lower + (m * partitionSize) } return buckets } // This generates log2-sized buckets spanning from lower to upper inclusively // as well as values beyond it. func LogarithmicSizedBucketsFor(lower, upper float64) []float64 { bucketCount := int(math.Ceil(math.Log2(upper))) buckets := make([]float64, bucketCount) for i, j := 0, 0.0; i < bucketCount; i, j = i+1, math.Pow(2, float64(i+1.0)) { buckets[i] = j } return buckets } // A HistogramSpecification defines how a Histogram is to be built. type HistogramSpecification struct { Starts []float64 BucketMaker BucketBuilder ReportablePercentiles []float64 } // The histogram is an accumulator for samples. It merely routes into which // to bucket to capture an event and provides a percentile calculation // mechanism. // // Histogram makes do without locking by employing the law of large numbers // to presume a convergence toward a given bucket distribution. Locking // may be implemented in the buckets themselves, though. type Histogram struct { // This represents the open interval's start at which values shall be added to // the bucket. The interval continues until the beginning of the next bucket // exclusive or positive infinity. // // N.B. // - bucketStarts should be sorted in ascending order; // - len(bucketStarts) must be equivalent to len(buckets); // - The index of a given bucketStarts' element is presumed to match // correspond to the appropriate element in buckets. bucketStarts []float64 // These are the buckets that capture samples as they are emitted to the // histogram. Please consult the reference interface and its implements for // further details about behavior expectations. buckets []Bucket // These are the percentile values that will be reported on marshalling. reportablePercentiles []float64 } func (h *Histogram) Add(value float64) { lastIndex := 0 for i, bucketStart := range h.bucketStarts { if value < bucketStart { break } lastIndex = i } h.buckets[lastIndex].Add(value) } func (h *Histogram) Humanize() string { stringBuffer := bytes.NewBufferString("") stringBuffer.WriteString("[Histogram { ") for i, bucketStart := range h.bucketStarts { bucket := h.buckets[i] stringBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%f, inf) = %s, ", bucketStart, bucket.Humanize())) } stringBuffer.WriteString("}]") return string(stringBuffer.Bytes()) } func previousCumulativeObservations(cumulativeObservations []int, bucketIndex int) int { if bucketIndex == 0 { return 0 } return cumulativeObservations[bucketIndex-1] } func prospectiveIndexForPercentile(percentile float64, totalObservations int) int { return int(math.Floor(percentile * float64(totalObservations))) } // Find what bucket and element index contains a given percentile value. // If a percentile is requested that results in a corresponding index that is no // longer contained by the bucket, the index of the last item is returned. This // may occur if the underlying bucket catalogs values and employs an eviction // strategy. func (h *Histogram) bucketForPercentile(percentile float64) (bucket *Bucket, index int) { bucketCount := len(h.buckets) observationsByBucket := make([]int, bucketCount) cumulativeObservationsByBucket := make([]int, bucketCount) var totalObservations int = 0 for i, bucket := range h.buckets { observations := bucket.Observations() observationsByBucket[i] = observations totalObservations += bucket.Observations() cumulativeObservationsByBucket[i] = totalObservations } prospectiveIndex := prospectiveIndexForPercentile(percentile, totalObservations) for i, cumulativeObservation := range cumulativeObservationsByBucket { if cumulativeObservation == 0 { continue } if cumulativeObservation >= prospectiveIndex { var subIndex int subIndex = prospectiveIndex - previousCumulativeObservations(cumulativeObservationsByBucket, i) if observationsByBucket[i] == subIndex { subIndex-- } return &h.buckets[i], subIndex } } return &h.buckets[0], 0 } // Return the histogram's estimate of the value for a given percentile of // collected samples. The requested percentile is expected to be a real // value within (0, 1.0]. func (h *Histogram) Percentile(percentile float64) float64 { bucket, index := h.bucketForPercentile(percentile) return (*bucket).ValueForIndex(index) } func (h *Histogram) Marshallable() map[string]interface{} { numberOfPercentiles := len(h.reportablePercentiles) result := make(map[string]interface{}, 2) result["type"] = "histogram" value := make(map[string]interface{}, numberOfPercentiles) for _, percentile := range h.reportablePercentiles { percentileString := strconv.FormatFloat(percentile, 'f', 6, 64) value[percentileString] = strconv.FormatFloat(h.Percentile(percentile), 'f', 6, 64) } result["value"] = value return result } // Produce a histogram from a given specification. func CreateHistogram(specification *HistogramSpecification) *Histogram { bucketCount := len(specification.Starts) metric := &Histogram{ bucketStarts: specification.Starts, buckets: make([]Bucket, bucketCount), reportablePercentiles: specification.ReportablePercentiles, } for i := 0; i < bucketCount; i++ { metric.buckets[i] = specification.BucketMaker() } return metric }