// Copyright 2014 The Prometheus Authors // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package prometheus import ( "math" "math/rand" "sort" "sync" "testing" "testing/quick" "time" dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go" ) func TestSummaryWithDefaultObjectives(t *testing.T) { now := time.Now() reg := NewRegistry() summaryWithDefaultObjectives := NewSummary(SummaryOpts{ Name: "default_objectives", Help: "Test help.", now: func() time.Time { return now }, }) if err := reg.Register(summaryWithDefaultObjectives); err != nil { t.Error(err) } m := &dto.Metric{} if err := summaryWithDefaultObjectives.Write(m); err != nil { t.Error(err) } if len(m.GetSummary().Quantile) != 0 { t.Error("expected no objectives in summary") } if !m.Summary.CreatedTimestamp.AsTime().Equal(now) { t.Errorf("expected created timestamp %s, got %s", now, m.Summary.CreatedTimestamp.AsTime()) } } func TestSummaryWithoutObjectives(t *testing.T) { reg := NewRegistry() summaryWithEmptyObjectives := NewSummary(SummaryOpts{ Name: "empty_objectives", Help: "Test help.", Objectives: map[float64]float64{}, }) if err := reg.Register(summaryWithEmptyObjectives); err != nil { t.Error(err) } summaryWithEmptyObjectives.Observe(3) summaryWithEmptyObjectives.Observe(0.14) m := &dto.Metric{} if err := summaryWithEmptyObjectives.Write(m); err != nil { t.Error(err) } if got, want := m.GetSummary().GetSampleSum(), 3.14; got != want { t.Errorf("got sample sum %f, want %f", got, want) } if got, want := m.GetSummary().GetSampleCount(), uint64(2); got != want { t.Errorf("got sample sum %d, want %d", got, want) } if len(m.GetSummary().Quantile) != 0 { t.Error("expected no objectives in summary") } } func TestSummaryWithQuantileLabel(t *testing.T) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r == nil { t.Error("Attempt to create Summary with 'quantile' label did not panic.") } }() _ = NewSummary(SummaryOpts{ Name: "test_summary", Help: "less", ConstLabels: Labels{"quantile": "test"}, }) } func TestSummaryVecWithQuantileLabel(t *testing.T) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r == nil { t.Error("Attempt to create SummaryVec with 'quantile' label did not panic.") } }() _ = NewSummaryVec(SummaryOpts{ Name: "test_summary", Help: "less", }, []string{"quantile"}) } func benchmarkSummaryObserve(w int, b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) wg.Add(w) g := new(sync.WaitGroup) g.Add(1) s := NewSummary(SummaryOpts{}) for i := 0; i < w; i++ { go func() { g.Wait() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { s.Observe(float64(i)) } wg.Done() }() } b.StartTimer() g.Done() wg.Wait() } func BenchmarkSummaryObserve1(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryObserve(1, b) } func BenchmarkSummaryObserve2(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryObserve(2, b) } func BenchmarkSummaryObserve4(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryObserve(4, b) } func BenchmarkSummaryObserve8(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryObserve(8, b) } func benchmarkSummaryWrite(w int, b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) wg.Add(w) g := new(sync.WaitGroup) g.Add(1) s := NewSummary(SummaryOpts{}) for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { s.Observe(float64(i)) } for j := 0; j < w; j++ { outs := make([]dto.Metric, b.N) go func(o []dto.Metric) { g.Wait() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { s.Write(&o[i]) } wg.Done() }(outs) } b.StartTimer() g.Done() wg.Wait() } func BenchmarkSummaryWrite1(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryWrite(1, b) } func BenchmarkSummaryWrite2(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryWrite(2, b) } func BenchmarkSummaryWrite4(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryWrite(4, b) } func BenchmarkSummaryWrite8(b *testing.B) { benchmarkSummaryWrite(8, b) } func TestSummaryConcurrency(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("Skipping test in short mode.") } rand.New(rand.NewSource(42)) objMap := map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001} it := func(n uint32) bool { mutations := int(n%1e4 + 1e4) concLevel := int(n%5 + 1) total := mutations * concLevel var start, end sync.WaitGroup start.Add(1) end.Add(concLevel) sum := NewSummary(SummaryOpts{ Name: "test_summary", Help: "helpless", Objectives: objMap, }) allVars := make([]float64, total) var sampleSum float64 for i := 0; i < concLevel; i++ { vals := make([]float64, mutations) for j := 0; j < mutations; j++ { v := rand.NormFloat64() vals[j] = v allVars[i*mutations+j] = v sampleSum += v } go func(vals []float64) { start.Wait() for _, v := range vals { sum.Observe(v) } end.Done() }(vals) } sort.Float64s(allVars) start.Done() end.Wait() m := &dto.Metric{} sum.Write(m) if got, want := int(*m.Summary.SampleCount), total; got != want { t.Errorf("got sample count %d, want %d", got, want) } if got, want := *m.Summary.SampleSum, sampleSum; math.Abs((got-want)/want) > 0.001 { t.Errorf("got sample sum %f, want %f", got, want) } objSlice := make([]float64, 0, len(objMap)) for qu := range objMap { objSlice = append(objSlice, qu) } sort.Float64s(objSlice) for i, wantQ := range objSlice { ε := objMap[wantQ] gotQ := *m.Summary.Quantile[i].Quantile gotV := *m.Summary.Quantile[i].Value minBound, maxBound := getBounds(allVars, wantQ, ε) if gotQ != wantQ { t.Errorf("got quantile %f, want %f", gotQ, wantQ) } if gotV < minBound || gotV > maxBound { t.Errorf("got %f for quantile %f, want [%f,%f]", gotV, gotQ, minBound, maxBound) } } return true } if err := quick.Check(it, nil); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func TestSummaryVecConcurrency(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("Skipping test in short mode.") } rand.New(rand.NewSource(42)) objMap := map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001} objSlice := make([]float64, 0, len(objMap)) for qu := range objMap { objSlice = append(objSlice, qu) } sort.Float64s(objSlice) it := func(n uint32) bool { mutations := int(n%1e4 + 1e4) concLevel := int(n%7 + 1) vecLength := int(n%3 + 1) var start, end sync.WaitGroup start.Add(1) end.Add(concLevel) sum := NewSummaryVec( SummaryOpts{ Name: "test_summary", Help: "helpless", Objectives: objMap, }, []string{"label"}, ) allVars := make([][]float64, vecLength) sampleSums := make([]float64, vecLength) for i := 0; i < concLevel; i++ { vals := make([]float64, mutations) picks := make([]int, mutations) for j := 0; j < mutations; j++ { v := rand.NormFloat64() vals[j] = v pick := rand.Intn(vecLength) picks[j] = pick allVars[pick] = append(allVars[pick], v) sampleSums[pick] += v } go func(vals []float64) { start.Wait() for i, v := range vals { sum.WithLabelValues(string('A' + rune(picks[i]))).Observe(v) } end.Done() }(vals) } for _, vars := range allVars { sort.Float64s(vars) } start.Done() end.Wait() for i := 0; i < vecLength; i++ { m := &dto.Metric{} s := sum.WithLabelValues(string('A' + rune(i))) s.(Summary).Write(m) if got, want := int(*m.Summary.SampleCount), len(allVars[i]); got != want { t.Errorf("got sample count %d for label %c, want %d", got, 'A'+i, want) } if got, want := *m.Summary.SampleSum, sampleSums[i]; math.Abs((got-want)/want) > 0.001 { t.Errorf("got sample sum %f for label %c, want %f", got, 'A'+i, want) } for j, wantQ := range objSlice { ε := objMap[wantQ] gotQ := *m.Summary.Quantile[j].Quantile gotV := *m.Summary.Quantile[j].Value minBound, maxBound := getBounds(allVars[i], wantQ, ε) if gotQ != wantQ { t.Errorf("got quantile %f for label %c, want %f", gotQ, 'A'+i, wantQ) } if gotV < minBound || gotV > maxBound { t.Errorf("got %f for quantile %f for label %c, want [%f,%f]", gotV, gotQ, 'A'+i, minBound, maxBound) } } } return true } if err := quick.Check(it, nil); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func TestSummaryDecay(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("Skipping test in short mode.") // More because it depends on timing than because it is particularly long... } sum := NewSummary(SummaryOpts{ Name: "test_summary", Help: "helpless", MaxAge: 100 * time.Millisecond, Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.1: 0.001}, AgeBuckets: 10, }) m := &dto.Metric{} i := 0 tick := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond) for range tick.C { i++ sum.Observe(float64(i)) if i%10 == 0 { sum.Write(m) if got, want := *m.Summary.Quantile[0].Value, math.Max(float64(i)/10, float64(i-90)); math.Abs(got-want) > 20 { t.Errorf("%d. got %f, want %f", i, got, want) } m.Reset() } if i >= 1000 { break } } tick.Stop() // Wait for MaxAge without observations and make sure quantiles are NaN. time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) sum.Write(m) if got := *m.Summary.Quantile[0].Value; !math.IsNaN(got) { t.Errorf("got %f, want NaN after expiration", got) } } func getBounds(vars []float64, q, ε float64) (minBound, maxBound float64) { // TODO(beorn7): This currently tolerates an error of up to 2*ε. The // error must be at most ε, but for some reason, it's sometimes slightly // higher. That's a bug. n := float64(len(vars)) lower := int((q - 2*ε) * n) upper := int(math.Ceil((q + 2*ε) * n)) minBound = vars[0] if lower > 1 { minBound = vars[lower-1] } maxBound = vars[len(vars)-1] if upper < len(vars) { maxBound = vars[upper-1] } return } func TestSummaryVecCreatedTimestampWithDeletes(t *testing.T) { for _, tcase := range []struct { desc string objectives map[float64]float64 }{ {desc: "summary with objectives", objectives: map[float64]float64{1.0: 1.0}}, {desc: "no objectives summary", objectives: nil}, } { now := time.Now() t.Run(tcase.desc, func(t *testing.T) { summaryVec := NewSummaryVec(SummaryOpts{ Name: "test", Help: "test help", Objectives: tcase.objectives, now: func() time.Time { return now }, }, []string{"label"}) // First use of "With" should populate CT. summaryVec.WithLabelValues("1") expected := map[string]time.Time{"1": now} now = now.Add(1 * time.Hour) expectCTsForMetricVecValues(t, summaryVec.MetricVec, dto.MetricType_SUMMARY, expected) // Two more labels at different times. summaryVec.WithLabelValues("2") expected["2"] = now now = now.Add(1 * time.Hour) summaryVec.WithLabelValues("3") expected["3"] = now now = now.Add(1 * time.Hour) expectCTsForMetricVecValues(t, summaryVec.MetricVec, dto.MetricType_SUMMARY, expected) // Recreate metric instance should reset created timestamp to now. summaryVec.DeleteLabelValues("1") summaryVec.WithLabelValues("1") expected["1"] = now now = now.Add(1 * time.Hour) expectCTsForMetricVecValues(t, summaryVec.MetricVec, dto.MetricType_SUMMARY, expected) }) } } func TestNewConstSummaryWithCreatedTimestamp(t *testing.T) { metricDesc := NewDesc( "sample_value", "sample value", nil, nil, ) quantiles := map[float64]float64{50: 200.12, 99: 500.342} createdTs := time.Unix(1719670764, 123) s, err := NewConstSummaryWithCreatedTimestamp(metricDesc, 100, 200, quantiles, createdTs) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var metric dto.Metric if err := s.Write(&metric); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if metric.Summary.CreatedTimestamp.AsTime().UnixMicro() != createdTs.UnixMicro() { t.Errorf("Expected created timestamp %v, got %v", createdTs, &metric.Summary.CreatedTimestamp) } }