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# Auto generated binary variables helper managed by v0.9. DO NOT EDIT.
# All tools are designed to be build inside $GOBIN.
BINGO_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
GOPATH ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)
GOBIN ?= $(firstword $(subst :, ,${GOPATH}))/bin
GO ?= $(shell which go)
# Below generated variables ensure that every time a tool under each variable is invoked, the correct version
# will be used; reinstalling only if needed.
# For example for buf variable:
# In your main Makefile (for non array binaries):
#include .bingo/ # Assuming -dir was set to .bingo .
#command: $(BUF)
# @echo "Running buf"
# @$(BUF) <flags/args..>
BUF := $(GOBIN)/buf-v1.39.0
$(BUF): $(BINGO_DIR)/buf.mod
@# Install binary/ries using Go 1.14+ build command. This is using bwplotka/bingo-controlled, separate go module with pinned dependencies.
@echo "(re)installing $(GOBIN)/buf-v1.39.0"
@cd $(BINGO_DIR) && GOWORK=off $(GO) build -mod=mod -modfile=buf.mod -o=$(GOBIN)/buf-v1.39.0 ""
GOIMPORTS := $(GOBIN)/goimports-v0.9.3
$(GOIMPORTS): $(BINGO_DIR)/goimports.mod
@# Install binary/ries using Go 1.14+ build command. This is using bwplotka/bingo-controlled, separate go module with pinned dependencies.
@echo "(re)installing $(GOBIN)/goimports-v0.9.3"
@cd $(BINGO_DIR) && GOWORK=off $(GO) build -mod=mod -modfile=goimports.mod -o=$(GOBIN)/goimports-v0.9.3 ""