
541 lines
14 KiB

See Readme.md
Saxon A. Nelson-Milton <saxon@ausocean.org>
Alan Noble <alan@ausocean.org>
revid is Copyright (C) 2017-2018 the Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean)
It is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify them
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with revid in gpl.txt. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
// revid is a testbed for re-muxing and re-directing video streams as MPEG-TS over various protocols.
package revid
import (
// Misc constants
const (
clipDuration = 1 * time.Second
mp2tPacketSize = 188 // MPEG-TS packet size
mp2tMaxPackets = int(clipDuration * 2016 / time.Second) // # first multiple of 7 and 8 greater than 2000
ringBufferSize = 500
ringBufferElementSize = 150000
writeTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond
readTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond
httpTimeout = 5 * time.Second
packetsPerFrame = 7
bitrateTime = 1 * time.Minute
mjpegParserInChanLen = 100000
ffmpegPath = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg"
rtmpConnectionTimout = 10
outputChanSize = 1000
cameraRetryPeriod = 5 * time.Second
sendFailedDelay = 5
maxSendFailedErrorCount = 500
clipSizeThreshold = 11
rtmpConnectionMaxTries = 5
raspividNoOfTries = 3
sendingWaitTime = 5 * time.Millisecond
// Log Types
const (
Error = "Error"
Warning = "Warning"
Info = "Info"
Debug = "Debug"
Detail = "Detail"
// Revid provides methods to control a revid session; providing methods
// to start, stop and change the state of an instance using the Config struct.
type Revid struct {
ffmpegPath string
tempDir string
ringBuffer *ring.Buffer
config Config
isRunning bool
generator generator.Generator
parser parser.Parser
cmd *exec.Cmd
inputReader *bufio.Reader
ffmpegStdin io.WriteCloser
outputChan chan []byte
setupInput func() error
getFrame func() []byte
destination loadSender
rtmpInst rtmp.Session
bitrate int
// NewRevid returns a pointer to a new Revid with the desired
// configuration, and/or an error if construction of the new instant was not
// successful.
func New(c Config) (*Revid, error) {
var r Revid
err := r.reset(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r.ringBuffer = ring.NewBuffer(ringBufferSize, ringBufferElementSize, writeTimeout)
r.outputChan = make(chan []byte, outputChanSize)
return &r, nil
// Bitrate returns the result of the most recent bitrate check.
func (r *Revid) Bitrate() int {
return r.bitrate
// Config returns the Revid's config.
func (r *Revid) Config() *Config {
// FIXME(kortschak): This is a massive footgun and should not exist.
// Since the config's fields are accessed in running goroutines, any
// mutation is a data race. With bad luck a data race is possible by
// reading the returned value since it is possible for the running
// Ravid to mutate the config it holds.
return &r.config
// reset swaps the current config of a Revid with the passed
// configuration; checking validity and returning errors if not valid.
func (r *Revid) reset(config Config) error {
r.config.Logger = config.Logger
err := config.Validate(r)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Config struct is bad!: " + err.Error())
r.config = config
if r.destination != nil {
err = r.destination.close()
if err != nil {
r.Log(Error, err.Error())
switch r.config.Output {
case File:
s, err := newFileSender(config.OutputFileName)
if err != nil {
return err
r.destination = s
case FfmpegRtmp:
s, err := newFfmpegSender(config.RtmpUrl, r.config.FrameRate)
if err != nil {
return err
r.destination = s
case Rtmp:
s, err := newRtmpSender(config.RtmpUrl, rtmpConnectionTimout, rtmpConnectionMaxTries, r.Log)
if err != nil {
return err
r.destination = s
case Http:
r.destination = newHttpSender(config.HttpAddress, httpTimeout, r.Log)
switch r.config.Input {
case Raspivid:
r.setupInput = r.startRaspivid
case File:
r.setupInput = r.setupInputForFile
switch r.config.InputCodec {
case H264:
r.Log(Info, "Using H264 parser!")
r.parser = parser.NewH264Parser()
case Mjpeg:
r.Log(Info, "Using MJPEG parser!")
r.parser = parser.NewMJPEGParser(mjpegParserInChanLen)
switch r.config.Packetization {
case None:
// no packetisation - Revid output chan grabs raw data straight from parser
r.getFrame = r.getFrameNoPacketization
return nil
case Mpegts:
r.Log(Info, "Using MPEGTS packetisation!")
frameRateAsInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.config.FrameRate)
r.generator = generator.NewTsGenerator(uint(frameRateAsInt))
case Flv:
r.Log(Info, "Using FLV packetisation!")
frameRateAsInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.config.FrameRate)
r.generator = generator.NewFlvGenerator(true, true, uint(frameRateAsInt))
// We have packetization of some sort, so we want to send data to Generator
// to perform packetization
r.getFrame = r.getFramePacketization
return nil
// SetConfig changes the current configuration of the receiver.
func (r *Revid) SetConfig(c Config) error {
// FIXME(kortschak): This is reimplemented in cmd/revid-cli/main.go.
// The implementation in the command is used and this is not.
// Decide on one or the other.
r, err := New(c)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Log takes a logtype and message and tries to send this information to the
// logger provided in the revid config - if there is one, otherwise the message
// is sent to stdout
func (r *Revid) Log(logType, m string) {
if r.config.Verbosity != Yes {
if r.config.Logger != nil {
r.config.Logger.Log("revid", logType, m)
fmt.Println(logType + ": " + m)
// IsRunning returns whether the receiver is running.
func (r *Revid) IsRunning() bool {
return r.isRunning
// Start invokes a Revid to start processing video from a defined input
// and packetising (if theres packetization) to a defined output.
func (r *Revid) Start() {
if r.isRunning {
r.Log(Warning, "Revid.Start() called but revid already running!")
r.Log(Info, "Starting Revid!")
r.Log(Debug, "Setting up output!")
r.isRunning = true
r.Log(Info, "Starting output routine!")
go r.outputClips()
r.Log(Info, "Starting clip packing routine!")
go r.packClips()
r.Log(Info, "Starting packetisation generator!")
r.Log(Info, "Starting parser!")
r.Log(Info, "Setting up input and receiving content!")
go r.setupInput()
// Stop halts any processing of video data from a camera or file
func (r *Revid) Stop() {
if !r.isRunning {
r.Log(Warning, "Revid.Stop() called but revid not running!")
r.Log(Info, "Stopping revid!")
r.isRunning = false
r.Log(Info, "Stopping generator!")
if r.generator != nil {
r.Log(Info, "Stopping parser!")
if r.parser != nil {
r.Log(Info, "Killing input proccess!")
// If a cmd process is running, we kill!
if r.cmd != nil && r.cmd.Process != nil {
// getFrameNoPacketization gets a frame directly from the revid output chan
// as we don't need to go through the generator with no packetization settings
func (r *Revid) getFrameNoPacketization() []byte {
return <-r.outputChan
// getFramePacketization gets a frame from the generators output chan - the
// the generator being an mpegts or flv generator depending on the config
func (r *Revid) getFramePacketization() []byte {
return <-r.generator.OutputChan()
// packClips takes data segments; whether that be tsPackets or mjpeg frames and
// packs them into clips consisting of the amount frames specified in the config
func (r *Revid) packClips() {
clipSize := 0
packetCount := 0
for r.isRunning {
select {
// TODO: This is temporary, need to work out how to make this work
// for cases when there is not packetisation.
case frame := <-r.generator.OutputChan():
lenOfFrame := len(frame)
if lenOfFrame > ringBufferElementSize {
r.Log(Warning, fmt.Sprintf("Frame was too big: %v bytes, getting another one!", lenOfFrame))
frame = r.getFrame()
lenOfFrame = len(frame)
_, err := r.ringBuffer.Write(frame)
if err != nil {
if err == ring.ErrDropped {
r.Log(Warning, fmt.Sprintf("dropped %d byte frame", len(frame)))
} else {
r.Log(Error, err.Error())
clipSize += lenOfFrame
if packetCount >= r.config.FramesPerClip {
clipSize = 0
packetCount = 0
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// outputClips takes the clips produced in the packClips method and outputs them
// to the desired output defined in the revid config
func (r *Revid) outputClips() {
now := time.Now()
prevTime := now
bytes := 0
delay := 0
for r.isRunning {
// Here we slow things down as much as we can to decrease cpu usage
switch {
case r.ringBuffer.Len() < 2:
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond)
case delay > 0:
// If the ringbuffer has something we can read and send off
chunk, err := r.ringBuffer.Next(readTimeout)
if err != nil || !r.isRunning {
if err == io.EOF {
bytes += chunk.Len()
r.Log(Detail, "About to send")
err = r.destination.load(chunk)
if err != nil {
r.Log(Error, "failed to load clip")
err = r.destination.send()
if err == nil {
r.Log(Detail, "sent clip")
if r.isRunning && err != nil && chunk.Len() > 11 {
r.Log(Debug, "Send failed! Trying again")
// Try and send again
err = r.destination.send()
r.Log(Error, err.Error())
// if there's still an error we try and reconnect, unless we're stopping
for r.isRunning && err != nil {
r.Log(Debug, "Send failed a again! Trying to reconnect...")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sendFailedDelay) * time.Millisecond)
r.Log(Error, err.Error())
if rs, ok := r.destination.(restarter); ok {
r.Log(Debug, fmt.Sprintf("restarting %T session", rs))
err = rs.restart()
if err != nil {
// TODO(kortschak): Make this "Fatal" when that exists.
r.Log(Error, "failed to restart rtmp session")
r.isRunning = false
r.Log(Info, "restarted rtmp session")
r.Log(Debug, "Trying to send again with new connection...")
err = r.destination.send()
if err != nil {
r.Log(Error, err.Error())
r.Log(Detail, "Done reading that clip from ringbuffer...")
// Log some information regarding bitrate and ring buffer size if it's time
now = time.Now()
deltaTime := now.Sub(prevTime)
if deltaTime > bitrateTime {
// FIXME(kortschak): For subsecond deltaTime, this will give infinite bitrate.
r.bitrate = int(float64(bytes*8) / float64(deltaTime/time.Second))
r.Log(Debug, fmt.Sprintf("Bitrate: %v bits/s\n", r.bitrate))
r.Log(Debug, fmt.Sprintf("Ring buffer size: %v\n", r.ringBuffer.Len()))
prevTime = now
bytes = 0
r.Log(Info, "Not outputting clips anymore!")
err := r.destination.close()
if err != nil {
r.Log(Error, "failed to close destination")
// startRaspivid sets up things for input from raspivid i.e. starts
// a raspivid process and pipes it's data output.
func (r *Revid) startRaspivid() error {
r.Log(Info, "Starting raspivid!")
switch r.config.InputCodec {
case H264:
args := []string{
"-cd", "H264",
"-o", "-",
"-t", r.config.Timeout,
"-b", r.config.Bitrate,
"-w", r.config.Width,
"-h", r.config.Height,
"-fps", r.config.FrameRate,
"-g", r.config.IntraRefreshPeriod,
if r.config.QuantizationMode == QuantizationOn {
args = append(args, "-qp", r.config.Quantization)
if r.config.HorizontalFlip == Yes {
args = append(args, "-hf")
if r.config.VerticalFlip == Yes {
args = append(args, "-vf")
r.Log(Info, fmt.Sprintf("Starting raspivid with args: %v", args))
r.cmd = exec.Command("raspivid", args...)
case Mjpeg:
r.cmd = exec.Command("raspivid",
"-cd", "MJPEG",
"-o", "-",
"-t", r.config.Timeout,
"-fps", r.config.FrameRate,
stdout, err := r.cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return err
r.inputReader = bufio.NewReader(stdout)
go r.readCamera()
return nil
// readCamera reads data from the defined camera while the Revid is running.
// TODO: use ringbuffer here instead of allocating mem every time!
func (r *Revid) readCamera() {
r.Log(Info, "Reading camera data!")
for r.isRunning {
var data [1]byte
_, err := io.ReadFull(r.inputReader, data[:])
switch {
// We know this means we're getting nothing from the cam
case err != nil && r.isRunning:
r.Log(Error, "No data from camera!")
r.parser.InputChan() <- data[0]
r.Log(Info, "Not trying to read from camera anymore!")
// setupInputForFile sets things up for getting input from a file
func (r *Revid) setupInputForFile() error {
fps, err := strconv.Atoi(r.config.FrameRate)
if err != nil {
return err
r.parser.SetDelay(uint(float64(1000) / float64(fps)))
return r.readFile()
// readFile reads data from the defined file while the Revid is running.
func (r *Revid) readFile() error {
f, err := os.Open(r.config.InputFileName)
if err != nil {
r.Log(Error, err.Error())
return err
defer f.Close()
var buf [1 << 12]byte
for {
n, err := f.Read(buf[:])
for _, b := range buf[:n] {
r.parser.InputChan() <- b
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
r.Log(Error, err.Error())
return err
return nil