
456 lines
13 KiB

revid-cli - command line interface for Revid.
See Readme.md
Saxon A. Nelson-Milton <saxon@ausocean.org>
Jack Richardson <jack@ausocean.org>
revid-cli is Copyright (C) 2017-2018 the Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean)
It is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify them
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with revid in gpl.txt. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
package main
import (
const (
// progName is the program name for logging purposes.
progName = "revid-cli"
// Logging is set to INFO level.
defaultLogVerbosity = smartlogger.Debug
// Other misc consts
const (
netSendRetryTime = 5 * time.Second
defaultRunDuration = 24 * time.Hour
revidStopTime = 5 * time.Second
defaultLogPath = "/var/log/netsender"
pkg = "revid-cli:"
// canProfile is set to false with revid-cli is built with "-tags profile".
var canProfile = true
// The logger that will be used throughout
var logger *smartlogger.Logger
func main() {
useNetsender := flag.Bool("NetSender", false, "Are we checking vars through netsender?")
runDurationPtr := flag.Duration("runDuration", defaultRunDuration, "How long do you want revid to run for?")
cfg := handleFlags()
if !*useNetsender {
// run revid for the specified duration
rv, _, err := startRevid(nil, cfg)
if err != nil {
cfg.Logger.Log(smartlogger.Fatal, pkg+"failed to start revid", err.Error())
err := run(nil, cfg)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Fatal, pkg+"failed to run revid", "error", err.Error())
// handleFlags parses command line flags and returns a revid configuration
// based on them.
func handleFlags() revid.Config {
var cfg revid.Config
var (
cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to `file`")
inputPtr = flag.String("Input", "", "The input type: Raspivid, File")
inputCodecPtr = flag.String("InputCodec", "", "The codec of the input: H264, Mjpeg")
output1Ptr = flag.String("Output1", "", "The first output type: Http, Rtmp, File, Udp, Rtp")
output2Ptr = flag.String("Output2", "", "The second output type: Http, Rtmp, File, Udp, Rtp")
rtmpMethodPtr = flag.String("RtmpMethod", "", "The method used to send over rtmp: Ffmpeg, Librtmp")
packetizationPtr = flag.String("Packetization", "", "The method of data packetisation: Flv, Mpegts, None")
quantizePtr = flag.Bool("Quantize", false, "Quantize input (non-variable bitrate)")
verbosityPtr = flag.String("Verbosity", "", "Verbosity: Info, Warning, Error, Fatal")
framesPerClipPtr = flag.Uint("FramesPerClip", 0, "Number of frames per clip sent")
rtmpUrlPtr = flag.String("RtmpUrl", "", "Url of rtmp endpoint")
bitratePtr = flag.Uint("Bitrate", 0, "Bitrate of recorded video")
outputFileNamePtr = flag.String("OutputFileName", "", "The directory of the output file")
inputFileNamePtr = flag.String("InputFileName", "", "The directory of the input file")
heightPtr = flag.Uint("Height", 0, "Height in pixels")
widthPtr = flag.Uint("Width", 0, "Width in pixels")
frameRatePtr = flag.Uint("FrameRate", 0, "Frame rate of captured video")
httpAddressPtr = flag.String("HttpAddress", "", "Destination address of http posts")
quantizationPtr = flag.Uint("Quantization", 0, "Desired quantization value: 0-40")
intraRefreshPeriodPtr = flag.Uint("IntraRefreshPeriod", 0, "The IntraRefreshPeriod i.e. how many keyframes we send")
verticalFlipPtr = flag.Bool("VerticalFlip", false, "Flip video vertically: Yes, No")
horizontalFlipPtr = flag.Bool("HorizontalFlip", false, "Flip video horizontally: Yes, No")
logPathPtr = flag.String("LogPath", defaultLogPath, "Path for logging files (default is /var/log/netsender/)")
rtpAddrPtr = flag.String("RtpAddr", "", "Rtp destination address: <IP>:<port> (port is generally 6970-6999)")
logger = smartlogger.New(defaultLogVerbosity, *logPathPtr)
cfg.Logger = logger
if *cpuprofile != "" {
if canProfile {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Fatal, pkg+"could not create CPU profile", "error", err.Error())
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Fatal, pkg+"could not start CPU profile", "error", err.Error())
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
} else {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"ignoring cpuprofile flag - http/pprof built in.")
switch *inputPtr {
case "Raspivid":
cfg.Input = revid.Raspivid
case "File":
cfg.Input = revid.File
case "":
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"bad input argument")
switch *inputCodecPtr {
case "H264":
cfg.InputCodec = revid.H264
case "":
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"bad input codec argument")
switch *output1Ptr {
case "File":
cfg.Output1 = revid.File
case "Http":
cfg.Output1 = revid.Http
case "Rtmp":
cfg.Output1 = revid.Rtmp
case "FfmpegRtmp":
cfg.Output1 = revid.FfmpegRtmp
case "Udp":
cfg.Output1 = revid.Udp
case "Rtp":
cfg.Output1 = revid.Rtp
case "":
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"bad output 1 argument")
switch *output2Ptr {
case "File":
cfg.Output2 = revid.File
case "Http":
cfg.Output2 = revid.Http
case "Rtmp":
cfg.Output2 = revid.Rtmp
case "FfmpegRtmp":
cfg.Output2 = revid.FfmpegRtmp
case "Udp":
cfg.Output2 = revid.Udp
case "Rtp":
cfg.Output2 = revid.Rtp
case "":
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"bad output 2 argument")
switch *rtmpMethodPtr {
case "Ffmpeg":
cfg.RtmpMethod = revid.Ffmpeg
case "LibRtmp":
cfg.RtmpMethod = revid.LibRtmp
case "":
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"bad rtmp method argument")
switch *packetizationPtr {
case "None":
cfg.Packetization = revid.None
case "Mpegts":
cfg.Packetization = revid.Mpegts
case "Flv":
cfg.Packetization = revid.Flv
case "":
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"bad packetization argument")
switch *verbosityPtr {
case "No":
cfg.LogLevel = smartlogger.Fatal
case "Debug":
cfg.LogLevel = smartlogger.Debug
case "":
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"bad verbosity argument")
cfg.Quantize = *quantizePtr
cfg.FlipHorizontal = *horizontalFlipPtr
cfg.FlipVertical = *verticalFlipPtr
cfg.FramesPerClip = *framesPerClipPtr
cfg.RtmpUrl = *rtmpUrlPtr
cfg.Bitrate = *bitratePtr
cfg.OutputFileName = *outputFileNamePtr
cfg.InputFileName = *inputFileNamePtr
cfg.Height = *heightPtr
cfg.Width = *widthPtr
cfg.FrameRate = *frameRatePtr
cfg.HttpAddress = *httpAddressPtr
cfg.Quantization = *quantizationPtr
cfg.IntraRefreshPeriod = *intraRefreshPeriodPtr
cfg.RtpAddress = *rtpAddrPtr
return cfg
// initialize then run the main NetSender client
func run(rv *revid.Revid, cfg revid.Config) error {
// initialize NetSender and use NetSender's logger
//config.Logger = netsender.Logger()
logger.Log(smartlogger.Info, pkg+"running in NetSender mode")
var ns netsender.Sender
err := ns.Init(logger, nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
vars, _ := ns.Vars()
vs := ns.VarSum()
paused := false
if vars["mode"] == "Paused" {
paused = true
if !paused {
rv, cfg, err = updateRevid(&ns, rv, cfg, vars, false)
if err != nil {
return err
for {
if err := send(&ns, rv); err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"polling failed", "error", err.Error())
if vs != ns.VarSum() {
// vars changed
vars, err := ns.Vars()
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Error, pkg+"netSender failed to get vars", "error", err.Error())
vs = ns.VarSum()
if vars["mode"] == "Paused" {
if !paused {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Info, pkg+"pausing revid")
paused = true
} else {
rv, cfg, err = updateRevid(&ns, rv, cfg, vars, !paused)
if err != nil {
return err
if paused {
paused = false
sleepTime, _ := strconv.Atoi(ns.Param("mp"))
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleepTime) * time.Second)
// send implements our main NetSender client and handles NetReceiver configuration
// (as distinct from httpSender which just sends video data).
func send(ns *netsender.Sender, rv *revid.Revid) error {
// populate input values, if any
inputs := netsender.MakePins(ns.Param("ip"), "X")
if rv != nil {
for i, pin := range inputs {
if pin.Name == "X23" {
inputs[i].Value = rv.Bitrate()
_, reconfig, err := ns.Send(netsender.RequestPoll, inputs)
if err != nil {
return err
if reconfig {
return ns.Config()
return nil
// wrappers for stopping and starting revid
func startRevid(ns *netsender.Sender, cfg revid.Config) (*revid.Revid, revid.Config, error) {
rv, err := revid.New(cfg, ns)
if err != nil {
return nil, cfg, err
return rv, cfg, nil
func stopRevid(rv *revid.Revid) {
// FIXME(kortschak): Is this waiting on completion of work?
// Use a wait group and Wait method if it is.
func updateRevid(ns *netsender.Sender, rv *revid.Revid, cfg revid.Config, vars map[string]string, stop bool) (*revid.Revid, revid.Config, error) {
if stop {
//look through the vars and update revid where needed
for key, value := range vars {
switch key {
case "Output":
switch value {
case "File":
cfg.Output1 = revid.File
case "Http":
cfg.Output1 = revid.Http
case "Rtmp":
cfg.Output1 = revid.Rtmp
case "FfmpegRtmp":
cfg.Output1 = revid.FfmpegRtmp
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid Output1 param", "value", value)
case "FramesPerClip":
f, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid framesperclip param", "value", value)
cfg.FramesPerClip = uint(f)
case "RtmpUrl":
cfg.RtmpUrl = value
case "Bitrate":
r, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid framerate param", "value", value)
cfg.Bitrate = uint(r)
case "OutputFileName":
cfg.OutputFileName = value
case "InputFileName":
cfg.InputFileName = value
case "Height":
h, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid height param", "value", value)
cfg.Height = uint(h)
case "Width":
w, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid width param", "value", value)
cfg.Width = uint(w)
case "FrameRate":
r, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid framerate param", "value", value)
cfg.FrameRate = uint(r)
case "HttpAddress":
cfg.HttpAddress = value
case "Quantization":
q, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid quantization param", "value", value)
cfg.Quantization = uint(q)
case "IntraRefreshPeriod":
p, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid intrarefreshperiod param", "value", value)
cfg.IntraRefreshPeriod = uint(p)
case "HorizontalFlip":
switch strings.ToLower(value) {
case "true":
cfg.FlipHorizontal = true
case "false":
cfg.FlipHorizontal = false
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid HorizontalFlip param", "value", value)
case "VerticalFlip":
switch strings.ToLower(value) {
case "true":
cfg.FlipVertical = true
case "false":
cfg.FlipVertical = false
logger.Log(smartlogger.Warning, pkg+"invalid VerticalFlip param", "value", value)
return startRevid(ns, cfg)