
367 lines
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pipeline.go provides functionality for set up of the revid processing pipeline.
Saxon A. Nelson-Milton <saxon@ausocean.org>
Alan Noble <alan@ausocean.org>
Dan Kortschak <dan@ausocean.org>
Trek Hopton <trek@ausocean.org>
Scott Barnard <scott@ausocean.org>
Copyright (C) 2017-2020 the Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean)
It is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify them
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
in gpl.txt. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
package revid
import (
// TODO(Saxon): put more thought into error severity and how to handle these.
func (r *Revid) handleErrors() {
for {
err := <-r.err
if err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Error, "async error", "error", err.Error())
// reset swaps the current config of a Revid with the passed
// configuration; checking validity and returning errors if not valid. It then
// sets up the data pipeline accordingly to this configuration.
func (r *Revid) reset(c config.Config) error {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "setting config")
err := r.setConfig(c)
if err != nil {
return err
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "config set")
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "setting up revid pipeline")
err = r.setupPipeline(
func(dst io.WriteCloser, rate float64) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
var st int
var encOptions []func(*mts.Encoder) error
switch r.cfg.Input {
case config.InputRaspivid, config.InputFile, config.InputV4L, config.InputRTSP:
switch r.cfg.InputCodec {
case codecutil.H265:
if r.cfg.Input != config.InputRTSP {
panic("H265 codec valid only for InputRTSP")
st = mts.EncodeH265
case codecutil.H264:
st = mts.EncodeH264
case codecutil.MJPEG:
st = mts.EncodeMJPEG
encOptions = append(encOptions, mts.TimeBasedPSI(time.Duration(r.cfg.PSITime)*time.Second))
r.cfg.CBR = true
panic("unknown input codec for Raspivid, File, V4l or RTSP input")
case config.InputAudio:
st = mts.EncodeAudio
encOptions = append(encOptions, mts.TimeBasedPSI(time.Duration(r.cfg.PSITime)*time.Second))
rate = 1 / r.cfg.RecPeriod
panic("unknown input type")
encOptions = append(encOptions, mts.MediaType(st), mts.Rate(rate))
return mts.NewEncoder(dst, &encLog{r.cfg.Logger}, encOptions...)
func(dst io.WriteCloser, fps int) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
return flv.NewEncoder(dst, true, true, fps)
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "finished setting pipeline")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// setConfig takes a config, checks it's validity and then replaces the current
// revid config.
func (r *Revid) setConfig(config config.Config) error {
r.cfg.Logger = config.Logger
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "validating config")
err := config.Validate()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Config struct is bad: " + err.Error())
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "config validated")
r.cfg = config
return nil
// setupPipeline constructs the revid dataPipeline. Inputs, encoders and
// senders are created and linked based on the current revid config.
// mtsEnc and flvEnc will be called to obtain an mts encoder and flv encoder
// respectively. multiWriter will be used to create an ioext.multiWriteCloser
// so that encoders can write to multiple senders.
func (r *Revid) setupPipeline(mtsEnc func(dst io.WriteCloser, rate float64) (io.WriteCloser, error), flvEnc func(dst io.WriteCloser, rate int) (io.WriteCloser, error), multiWriter func(...io.WriteCloser) io.WriteCloser) error {
// encoders will hold the encoders that are required for revid's current
// configuration.
var encoders []io.WriteCloser
// mtsSenders will hold the senders the require MPEGTS encoding, and flvSenders
// will hold senders that require FLV encoding.
var mtsSenders, flvSenders []io.WriteCloser
// Calculate no. of ring buffer elements based on starting element size
// const and config directed max ring buffer size, then create buffer.
// This is only used if the selected output uses a ring buffer.
nElements := r.cfg.RBCapacity / rbStartingElementSize
writeTimeout := time.Duration(r.cfg.RBWriteTimeout) * time.Second
// We will go through our outputs and create the corresponding senders to add
// to mtsSenders if the output requires MPEGTS encoding, or flvSenders if the
// output requires FLV encoding.
var w io.WriteCloser
for _, out := range r.cfg.Outputs {
switch out {
case config.OutputHTTP:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using HTTP output")
rb := ring.NewBuffer(rbStartingElementSize, int(nElements), writeTimeout)
hs := newHTTPSender(r.ns, r.cfg.Logger.Log, r.bitrate.Report)
w = newMTSSender(hs, r.cfg.Logger.Log, rb, r.cfg.ClipDuration)
mtsSenders = append(mtsSenders, w)
case config.OutputRTP:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using RTP output")
w, err := newRtpSender(r.cfg.RTPAddress, r.cfg.Logger.Log, r.cfg.FrameRate, r.bitrate.Report)
if err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Warning, "rtp connect error", "error", err.Error())
mtsSenders = append(mtsSenders, w)
case config.OutputFile:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using File output")
w, err := newFileSender(r.cfg.OutputPath)
if err != nil {
return err
mtsSenders = append(mtsSenders, w)
case config.OutputRTMP:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using RTMP output")
rb := ring.NewBuffer(rbStartingElementSize, int(nElements), writeTimeout)
w, err := newRtmpSender(r.cfg.RTMPURL, rtmpConnectionMaxTries, rb, r.cfg.Logger.Log, r.bitrate.Report)
if err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Warning, "rtmp connect error", "error", err.Error())
flvSenders = append(flvSenders, w)
// If we have some senders that require MPEGTS encoding then add an MPEGTS
// encoder to revid's encoder slice, and give this encoder the mtsSenders
// as a destination.
if len(mtsSenders) != 0 {
mw := multiWriter(mtsSenders...)
e, _ := mtsEnc(mw, float64(r.cfg.FrameRate))
encoders = append(encoders, e)
// If we have some senders that require FLV encoding then add an FLV
// encoder to revid's encoder slice, and give this encoder the flvSenders
// as a destination.
if len(flvSenders) != 0 {
mw := multiWriter(flvSenders...)
e, err := flvEnc(mw, int(r.cfg.FrameRate))
if err != nil {
return err
encoders = append(encoders, e)
r.encoders = multiWriter(encoders...)
l := len(r.cfg.Filters)
r.filters = []filter.Filter{filter.NewNoOp(r.encoders)}
if l != 0 {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "setting up filters", "filters", r.cfg.Filters)
r.filters = make([]filter.Filter, l)
dst := r.encoders
for i := l - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
switch r.cfg.Filters[i] {
case config.FilterNoOp:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using NoOp filter")
r.filters[i] = filter.NewNoOp(dst)
case config.FilterMOG:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using MOG filter")
r.filters[i] = filter.NewMOG(dst, r.cfg)
case config.FilterVariableFPS:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using Variable FPS MOG filter")
r.filters[i] = filter.NewVariableFPS(dst, r.cfg.MinFPS, filter.NewMOG(dst, r.cfg))
case config.FilterKNN:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using KNN filter")
r.filters[i] = filter.NewKNN(dst, r.cfg)
case config.FilterDiff:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using gocv difference filter")
r.filters[i] = filter.NewDiff(dst, r.cfg)
case config.FilterBasic:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using go difference filter")
r.filters[i] = filter.NewBasic(dst, r.cfg)
panic("Undefined Filter")
dst = r.filters[i]
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "filters set up")
switch r.cfg.Input {
case config.InputRaspivid:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using raspivid input")
r.input = raspivid.New(r.cfg.Logger)
r.setLexer(r.cfg.InputCodec, false)
case config.InputV4L:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using V4L input")
r.input = webcam.New(r.cfg.Logger)
r.setLexer(r.cfg.InputCodec, false)
case config.InputFile:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using file input")
r.input = file.New()
r.setLexer(r.cfg.InputCodec, false)
case config.InputRTSP:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using RTSP input")
r.input = geovision.New(r.cfg.Logger)
r.setLexer(r.cfg.InputCodec, true)
case config.InputAudio:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using audio input")
err := r.setupAudio()
if err != nil {
return err
// Configure the input device. We know that defaults are set, so no need to
// return error, but we should log.
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "configuring input device")
err := r.input.Set(r.cfg)
if err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Warning, "errors from configuring input device", "errors", err)
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "input device configured")
return nil
// setLexer sets the revid input lexer based on input codec and whether input
// is RTSP or not, in which case an RTP/<codec> extractor is used.
func (r *Revid) setLexer(c uint8, isRTSP bool) {
switch c {
case codecutil.H264:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using H.264 codec")
r.lexTo = h264.Lex
if isRTSP {
r.lexTo = h264.NewExtractor().Extract
case codecutil.H265:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using H.265 codec")
r.lexTo = h265.NewExtractor(false).Extract
if !isRTSP {
panic("byte stream H.265 lexing not implemented")
case codecutil.MJPEG:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "using MJPEG codec")
r.lexTo = mjpeg.Lex
if isRTSP {
r.lexTo = mjpeg.NewExtractor().Extract
panic("unrecognised codec")
// processFrom is run as a routine to read from a input data source, lex and
// then send individual access units to revid's encoders.
func (r *Revid) processFrom(in device.AVDevice, delay time.Duration) {
defer r.wg.Done()
for l := true; l; l = r.cfg.Loop {
err := in.Start()
if err != nil {
r.err <- fmt.Errorf("could not start input device: %w", err)
// Lex data from input device, in, until finished or an error is encountered.
// For a continuous source e.g. a camera or microphone, we should remain
// in this call indefinitely unless in.Stop() is called and an io.EOF is forced.
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "lexing")
err = r.lexTo(r.filters[0], in, delay)
switch err {
case nil, io.EOF:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "end of file")
case io.ErrUnexpectedEOF:
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "unexpected EOF from input")
r.err <- err
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "finished reading input")
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Debug, "stopping input")
err = in.Stop()
if err != nil {
r.err <- fmt.Errorf("could not stop input source: %w", err)
} else {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(logger.Info, "input stopped")
// If we're looping and we get a stop signal we return.
select {
case <-r.stop: