/* * Level Controller */ import Event from '../events.js'; import EventHandler from '../event-handler.js'; import { addGroupId, computeReloadInterval } from './level-helper.js'; const { performance } = window; let chromeOrFirefox; export default class LevelController extends EventHandler { constructor(hls) { super(hls, Event.MANIFEST_LOADED, Event.LEVEL_LOADED); this.canload = false; this.currentLevelIndex = 0; this.manualLevelIndex = -1; this.timer = null; chromeOrFirefox = /chrome|firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); } onHandlerDestroying() { this.clearTimer(); this.manualLevelIndex = -1; } clearTimer() { if (this.timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; } } startLoad() { let levels = this._levels; this.canload = true; this.levelRetryCount = 0; // clean up live level details to force reload them, and reset load errors if (levels) { levels.forEach(level => { level.loadError = 0; const levelDetails = level.details; if (levelDetails && levelDetails.live) { level.details = undefined; } }); } // speed up live playlist refresh if timer exists if (this.timer !== null) { this.loadLevel(); } } stopLoad() { this.canload = false; } onManifestLoaded(data) { let levels = []; let audioTracks = []; let bitrateStart; let levelSet = {}; let levelFromSet = null; let videoCodecFound = false; let audioCodecFound = false; // regroup redundant levels together data.levels.forEach(level => { const attributes = level.attrs; level.loadError = 0; level.fragmentError = false; videoCodecFound = videoCodecFound || !!level.videoCodec; audioCodecFound = audioCodecFound || !!level.audioCodec; // erase audio codec info if browser does not support mp4a.40.34. // demuxer will autodetect codec and fallback to mpeg/audio if (chromeOrFirefox && level.audioCodec && level.audioCodec.indexOf('mp4a.40.34') !== -1) { level.audioCodec = undefined; } levelFromSet = levelSet[level.bitrate]; // FIXME: we would also have to match the resolution here if (!levelFromSet) { level.url = [level.url]; level.urlId = 0; levelSet[level.bitrate] = level; levels.push(level); } else { levelFromSet.url.push(level.url); } if (attributes) { if (attributes.AUDIO) { audioCodecFound = true; addGroupId(levelFromSet || level, 'audio', attributes.AUDIO); } if (attributes.SUBTITLES) { addGroupId(levelFromSet || level, 'text', attributes.SUBTITLES); } } }); if (levels.length > 0) { // start bitrate is the first bitrate of the manifest bitrateStart = levels[0].bitrate; // sort level on bitrate levels.sort((a, b) => a.bitrate - b.bitrate); this._levels = levels; // find index of first level in sorted levels for (let i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { if (levels[i].bitrate === bitrateStart) { this._firstLevel = i; // console.log(`manifest loaded,${levels.length} level(s) found, first bitrate:${bitrateStart}`); break; } } // Audio is only alternate if manifest include a URI along with the audio group tag this.hls.trigger(Event.MANIFEST_PARSED, { levels, audioTracks, firstLevel: this._firstLevel, stats: data.stats, audio: audioCodecFound, video: videoCodecFound, altAudio: audioTracks.some(t => !!t.url) }); } else { this.hls.trigger(Event.ERROR, { type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR, details: ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_INCOMPATIBLE_CODECS_ERROR, fatal: true, url: this.hls.url, reason: 'no level with compatible codecs found in manifest' }); } } get levels() { return this._levels; } get level() { return this.currentLevelIndex; } set level(newLevel) { let levels = this._levels; if (levels) { newLevel = Math.min(newLevel, levels.length - 1); if (this.currentLevelIndex !== newLevel || !levels[newLevel].details) { this.setLevelInternal(newLevel); } } } setLevelInternal(newLevel) { const levels = this._levels; const hls = this.hls; // check if level idx is valid if (newLevel >= 0 && newLevel < levels.length) { // stopping live reloading timer if any this.clearTimer(); if (this.currentLevelIndex !== newLevel) { console.log(`switching to level ${newLevel}`); this.currentLevelIndex = newLevel; const levelProperties = levels[newLevel]; levelProperties.level = newLevel; hls.trigger(Event.LEVEL_SWITCHING, levelProperties); } const level = levels[newLevel]; const levelDetails = level.details; // check if we need to load playlist for this level if (!levelDetails || levelDetails.live) { // level not retrieved yet, or live playlist we need to (re)load it let urlId = level.urlId; hls.trigger(Event.LEVEL_LOADING, { url: level.url[urlId], level: newLevel, id: urlId }); } } else { // invalid level id given, trigger error hls.trigger(Event.ERROR, { type: ErrorTypes.OTHER_ERROR, details: ErrorDetails.LEVEL_SWITCH_ERROR, level: newLevel, fatal: false, reason: 'invalid level idx' }); } } get manualLevel() { return this.manualLevelIndex; } set manualLevel(newLevel) { this.manualLevelIndex = newLevel; if (this._startLevel === undefined) { this._startLevel = newLevel; } if (newLevel !== -1) { this.level = newLevel; } } get firstLevel() { return this._firstLevel; } set firstLevel(newLevel) { this._firstLevel = newLevel; } get startLevel() { // hls.startLevel takes precedence over config.startLevel // if none of these values are defined, fallback on this._firstLevel (first quality level appearing in variant manifest) if (this._startLevel === undefined) { let configStartLevel = this.hls.config.startLevel; if (configStartLevel !== undefined) { return configStartLevel; } else { return this._firstLevel; } } else { return this._startLevel; } } set startLevel(newLevel) { this._startLevel = newLevel; } onLevelLoaded(data) { const { level, details } = data; const curLevel = this._levels[level]; // if current playlist is a live playlist, arm a timer to reload it if (details.live) { const reloadInterval = computeReloadInterval(curLevel.details, details, data.stats.trequest); console.log(`live playlist, reload in ${Math.round(reloadInterval)} ms`); this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.loadLevel(), reloadInterval); } else { this.clearTimer(); } } loadLevel() { console.log('call to loadLevel, index: ' + this.currentLevelIndex + "canload: " + this.canload); if (this.currentLevelIndex !== null && this.canload) { const levelObject = this._levels[this.currentLevelIndex]; if (typeof levelObject === 'object' && levelObject.url.length > 0) { const level = this.currentLevelIndex; const id = levelObject.urlId; const url = levelObject.url[id]; console.log(`Attempt loading level index ${level} with URL-id ${id}`); this.hls.trigger(Event.LEVEL_LOADING, { url, level, id }); } } } get nextLoadLevel() { if (this.manualLevelIndex !== -1) { return this.manualLevelIndex; } else { return this.hls.nextAutoLevel; } } set nextLoadLevel(nextLevel) { this.level = nextLevel; if (this.manualLevelIndex === -1) { this.hls.nextAutoLevel = nextLevel; } } }