/* AUTHOR Trek Hopton LICENSE This file is Copyright (C) 2020 the Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean) It is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License in gpl.txt. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. For hls.js Copyright notice and license, see LICENSE file. */ /* * * All objects in the event handling chain should inherit from this class * */ import Event from './events.js'; const FORBIDDEN_EVENT_NAMES = { 'hlsEventGeneric': true, 'hlsHandlerDestroying': true, 'hlsHandlerDestroyed': true }; class EventHandler { constructor(hls, ...events) { this.hls = hls; this.onEvent = this.onEvent.bind(this); this.handledEvents = events; this.useGenericHandler = true; this.registerListeners(); } destroy() { this.onHandlerDestroying(); this.unregisterListeners(); this.onHandlerDestroyed(); } onHandlerDestroying() { } onHandlerDestroyed() { } isEventHandler() { return typeof this.handledEvents === 'object' && this.handledEvents.length && typeof this.onEvent === 'function'; } registerListeners() { if (this.isEventHandler()) { this.handledEvents.forEach(function (event) { if (FORBIDDEN_EVENT_NAMES[event]) { throw new Error('Forbidden event-name: ' + event); } this.hls.on(event, this.onEvent); }, this); } } unregisterListeners() { if (this.isEventHandler()) { this.handledEvents.forEach(function (event) { this.hls.off(event, this.onEvent); }, this); } } /** * arguments: event (string), data (any) */ onEvent(event, data) { this.onEventGeneric(event, data); } onEventGeneric(event, data) { let eventToFunction = function (event, data) { let funcName = 'on' + event.replace('hls', ''); if (typeof this[funcName] !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Event ${event} has no generic handler in this ${this.constructor.name} class (tried ${funcName})`); } return this[funcName].bind(this, data); }; try { eventToFunction.call(this, event, data).call(); } catch (err) { console.error(`An internal error happened while handling event ${event}. Error message: "${err.message}". Here is a stacktrace:`, err); this.hls.trigger(Event.ERROR, { type: ErrorTypes.OTHER_ERROR, details: ErrorDetails.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, fatal: false, event: event, err: err }); } } } export default EventHandler;