import * as URLToolkit from 'url-toolkit'; import Fragment from './fragment'; import Level from './level'; import LevelKey from './level-key'; import AttrList from '../utils/attr-list'; import { logger } from '../utils/logger'; import { isCodecType, CodecType } from '../utils/codecs'; import { MediaPlaylist, AudioGroup, MediaPlaylistType } from '../types/media-playlist'; import { PlaylistLevelType } from '../types/loader'; /** * M3U8 parser * @module */ // is your friend const MASTER_PLAYLIST_REGEX = /#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:([^\n\r]*)[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)/g; const MASTER_PLAYLIST_MEDIA_REGEX = /#EXT-X-MEDIA:(.*)/g; const LEVEL_PLAYLIST_REGEX_FAST = new RegExp([ /#EXTINF:\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)(?:,(.*)\s+)?/.source, // duration (#EXTINF:<duration>,<title>), group 1 => duration, group 2 => title /|(?!#)([\S+ ?]+)/.source, // segment URI, group 3 => the URI (note newline is not eaten) /|#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:*(.+)/.source, // next segment's byterange, group 4 => range spec (x@y) /|#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:(.+)/.source, // next segment's program date/time group 5 => the datetime spec /|#.*/.source // All other non-segment oriented tags will match with all groups empty ].join(''), 'g'); const LEVEL_PLAYLIST_REGEX_SLOW = /(?:(?:#(EXTM3U))|(?:#EXT-X-(PLAYLIST-TYPE):(.+))|(?:#EXT-X-(MEDIA-SEQUENCE): *(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(TARGETDURATION): *(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(KEY):(.+))|(?:#EXT-X-(START):(.+))|(?:#EXT-X-(ENDLIST))|(?:#EXT-X-(DISCONTINUITY-SEQ)UENCE:(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(DIS)CONTINUITY))|(?:#EXT-X-(VERSION):(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(MAP):(.+))|(?:(#)([^:]*):(.*))|(?:(#)(.*))(?:.*)\r?\n?/; const MP4_REGEX_SUFFIX = /\.(mp4|m4s|m4v|m4a)$/i; export default class M3U8Parser { static findGroup (groups: Array<AudioGroup>, mediaGroupId: string): AudioGroup | undefined { for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { const group = groups[i]; if ( === mediaGroupId) { return group; } } } static convertAVC1ToAVCOTI (codec) { let avcdata = codec.split('.'); let result; if (avcdata.length > 2) { result = avcdata.shift() + '.'; result += parseInt(avcdata.shift()).toString(16); result += ('000' + parseInt(avcdata.shift()).toString(16)).substr(-4); } else { result = codec; } return result; } static resolve (url, baseUrl) { return URLToolkit.buildAbsoluteURL(baseUrl, url, { alwaysNormalize: true }); } static parseMasterPlaylist (string: string, baseurl: string) { // TODO(typescript-level) let levels: Array<any> = []; MASTER_PLAYLIST_REGEX.lastIndex = 0; // TODO(typescript-level) function setCodecs (codecs: Array<string>, level: any) { ['video', 'audio'].forEach((type: CodecType) => { const filtered = codecs.filter((codec) => isCodecType(codec, type)); if (filtered.length) { const preferred = filtered.filter((codec) => { return codec.lastIndexOf('avc1', 0) === 0 || codec.lastIndexOf('mp4a', 0) === 0; }); level[`${type}Codec`] = preferred.length > 0 ? preferred[0] : filtered[0]; // remove from list codecs = codecs.filter((codec) => filtered.indexOf(codec) === -1); } }); level.unknownCodecs = codecs; } let result: RegExpExecArray | null; while ((result = MASTER_PLAYLIST_REGEX.exec(string)) != null) { // TODO(typescript-level) const level: any = {}; const attrs = level.attrs = new AttrList(result[1]); level.url = M3U8Parser.resolve(result[2], baseurl); const resolution = attrs.decimalResolution('RESOLUTION'); if (resolution) { level.width = resolution.width; level.height = resolution.height; } level.bitrate = attrs.decimalInteger('AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH') || attrs.decimalInteger('BANDWIDTH'); = attrs.NAME; setCodecs([].concat((attrs.CODECS || '').split(/[ ,]+/)), level); if (level.videoCodec && level.videoCodec.indexOf('avc1') !== -1) { level.videoCodec = M3U8Parser.convertAVC1ToAVCOTI(level.videoCodec); } levels.push(level); } return levels; } static parseMasterPlaylistMedia (string: string, baseurl: string, type: MediaPlaylistType, audioGroups: Array<AudioGroup> = []): Array<MediaPlaylist> { let result: RegExpExecArray | null; let medias: Array<MediaPlaylist> = []; let id = 0; MASTER_PLAYLIST_MEDIA_REGEX.lastIndex = 0; while ((result = MASTER_PLAYLIST_MEDIA_REGEX.exec(string)) !== null) { const attrs = new AttrList(result[1]); if (attrs.TYPE === type) { const media: MediaPlaylist = { id: id++, groupId: attrs['GROUP-ID'], name: attrs.NAME || attrs.LANGUAGE, type, default: (attrs.DEFAULT === 'YES'), autoselect: (attrs.AUTOSELECT === 'YES'), forced: (attrs.FORCED === 'YES'), lang: attrs.LANGUAGE }; if (attrs.URI) { media.url = M3U8Parser.resolve(attrs.URI, baseurl); } if (audioGroups.length) { // If there are audio groups signalled in the manifest, let's look for a matching codec string for this track const groupCodec = M3U8Parser.findGroup(audioGroups, media.groupId); // If we don't find the track signalled, lets use the first audio groups codec we have // Acting as a best guess media.audioCodec = groupCodec ? groupCodec.codec : audioGroups[0].codec; } medias.push(media); } } return medias; } static parseLevelPlaylist (string: string, baseurl: string, id: number, type: PlaylistLevelType, levelUrlId: number) { let currentSN = 0; let totalduration = 0; let level = new Level(baseurl); let discontinuityCounter = 0; let prevFrag: Fragment | null = null; let frag: Fragment | null = new Fragment(); let result: RegExpExecArray | RegExpMatchArray | null; let i: number; let levelkey: LevelKey | undefined; let firstPdtIndex = null; LEVEL_PLAYLIST_REGEX_FAST.lastIndex = 0; while ((result = LEVEL_PLAYLIST_REGEX_FAST.exec(string)) !== null) { const duration = result[1]; if (duration) { // INF frag.duration = parseFloat(duration); // avoid sliced strings const title = (' ' + result[2]).slice(1); frag.title = title || null; frag.tagList.push(title ? [ 'INF', duration, title ] : [ 'INF', duration ]); } else if (result[3]) { // url if (Number.isFinite(frag.duration)) { const sn = currentSN++; frag.type = type; frag.start = totalduration; if (levelkey) { frag.levelkey = levelkey; } = sn; frag.level = id; = discontinuityCounter; frag.urlId = levelUrlId; frag.baseurl = baseurl; // avoid sliced strings frag.relurl = (' ' + result[3]).slice(1); assignProgramDateTime(frag, prevFrag); level.fragments.push(frag); prevFrag = frag; totalduration += frag.duration; frag = new Fragment(); } } else if (result[4]) { // X-BYTERANGE const data = (' ' + result[4]).slice(1); if (prevFrag) { frag.setByteRange(data, prevFrag); } else { frag.setByteRange(data); } } else if (result[5]) { // PROGRAM-DATE-TIME // avoid sliced strings frag.rawProgramDateTime = (' ' + result[5]).slice(1); frag.tagList.push(['PROGRAM-DATE-TIME', frag.rawProgramDateTime]); if (firstPdtIndex === null) { firstPdtIndex = level.fragments.length; } } else { result = result[0].match(LEVEL_PLAYLIST_REGEX_SLOW); if (!result) { logger.warn('No matches on slow regex match for level playlist!'); continue; } for (i = 1; i < result.length; i++) { if (typeof result[i] !== 'undefined') { break; } } // avoid sliced strings const value1 = (' ' + result[i + 1]).slice(1); const value2 = (' ' + result[i + 2]).slice(1); switch (result[i]) { case '#': frag.tagList.push(value2 ? [ value1, value2 ] : [ value1 ]); break; case 'PLAYLIST-TYPE': level.type = value1.toUpperCase(); break; case 'MEDIA-SEQUENCE': currentSN = level.startSN = parseInt(value1); break; case 'TARGETDURATION': level.targetduration = parseFloat(value1); break; case 'VERSION': level.version = parseInt(value1); break; case 'EXTM3U': break; case 'ENDLIST': = false; break; case 'DIS': discontinuityCounter++; frag.tagList.push(['DIS']); break; case 'DISCONTINUITY-SEQ': discontinuityCounter = parseInt(value1); break; case 'KEY': { // const decryptparams = value1; const keyAttrs = new AttrList(decryptparams); const decryptmethod = keyAttrs.enumeratedString('METHOD'); const decrypturi = keyAttrs.URI; const decryptiv = keyAttrs.hexadecimalInteger('IV'); if (decryptmethod) { levelkey = new LevelKey(baseurl, decrypturi); if ((decrypturi) && (['AES-128', 'SAMPLE-AES', 'SAMPLE-AES-CENC'].indexOf(decryptmethod) >= 0)) { levelkey.method = decryptmethod; levelkey.key = null; // Initialization Vector (IV) levelkey.iv = decryptiv; } } break; } case 'START': { const startAttrs = new AttrList(value1); const startTimeOffset = startAttrs.decimalFloatingPoint('TIME-OFFSET'); // TIME-OFFSET can be 0 if (Number.isFinite(startTimeOffset)) { level.startTimeOffset = startTimeOffset; } break; } case 'MAP': { const mapAttrs = new AttrList(value1); frag.relurl = mapAttrs.URI; if (mapAttrs.BYTERANGE) { frag.setByteRange(mapAttrs.BYTERANGE); } frag.baseurl = baseurl; frag.level = id; frag.type = type; = 'initSegment'; level.initSegment = frag; frag = new Fragment(); frag.rawProgramDateTime = level.initSegment.rawProgramDateTime; break; } default: logger.warn(`line parsed but not handled: ${result}`); break; } } } frag = prevFrag; // logger.log('found ' + level.fragments.length + ' fragments'); if (frag && !frag.relurl) { level.fragments.pop(); totalduration -= frag.duration; } level.totalduration = totalduration; level.averagetargetduration = totalduration / level.fragments.length; level.endSN = currentSN - 1; level.startCC = level.fragments[0] ? level.fragments[0].cc : 0; level.endCC = discontinuityCounter; if (!level.initSegment && level.fragments.length) { // this is a bit lurky but HLS really has no other way to tell us // if the fragments are TS or MP4, except if we download them :/ // but this is to be able to handle SIDX. if (level.fragments.every((frag) => MP4_REGEX_SUFFIX.test(frag.relurl))) { logger.warn('MP4 fragments found but no init segment (probably no MAP, incomplete M3U8), trying to fetch SIDX'); frag = new Fragment(); frag.relurl = level.fragments[0].relurl; frag.baseurl = baseurl; frag.level = id; frag.type = type; = 'initSegment'; level.initSegment = frag; level.needSidxRanges = true; } } /** * Backfill any missing PDT values "If the first EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag in a Playlist appears after one or more Media Segment URIs, the client SHOULD extrapolate backward from that tag (using EXTINF durations and/or media timestamps) to associate dates with those segments." * We have already extrapolated forward, but all fragments up to the first instance of PDT do not have their PDTs * computed. */ if (firstPdtIndex) { backfillProgramDateTimes(level.fragments, firstPdtIndex); } return level; } } function backfillProgramDateTimes (fragments, startIndex) { let fragPrev = fragments[startIndex]; for (let i = startIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const frag = fragments[i]; frag.programDateTime = fragPrev.programDateTime - (frag.duration * 1000); fragPrev = frag; } } function assignProgramDateTime (frag, prevFrag) { if (frag.rawProgramDateTime) { frag.programDateTime = Date.parse(frag.rawProgramDateTime); } else if (prevFrag && prevFrag.programDateTime) { frag.programDateTime = prevFrag.endProgramDateTime; } if (!Number.isFinite(frag.programDateTime)) { frag.programDateTime = null; frag.rawProgramDateTime = null; } }