/* AUTHOR Trek Hopton LICENSE This file is Copyright (C) 2020 the Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean) It is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License in gpl.txt. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. For hls.js Copyright notice and license, see LICENSE file. */ /* * Stream Controller */ import Event from '../events.js'; import EventHandler from '../event-handler.js'; class StreamController extends EventHandler { constructor(hls) { super(hls, Event.LEVEL_LOADED, Event.FRAG_LOADED); this.hls = hls; this.config = hls.config; this.audioCodecSwap = false; this.stallReported = false; this.gapController = null; this.currentFrag = 0; } _fetchPayloadOrEos(levelDetails) { this.fragments = levelDetails.fragments; this._loadFragment(); } _loadFragment() { let fragLen = this.fragments.length; if (this.currentFrag >= fragLen) { return; } this.hls.trigger(Event.FRAG_LOADING, { frag: this.fragments[this.currentFrag++] }); } onLevelLoaded(data) { const newDetails = data.details; const newLevelId = data.level; const levelDetails = data.details; const duration = newDetails.totalduration; let sliding = 0; console.log(`level ${newLevelId} loaded [${newDetails.startSN},${newDetails.endSN}],duration:${duration}`); if (newDetails.live) { console.log("handling of this case is not implemented"); } else { newDetails.PTSKnown = false; } // override level info this.levelLastLoaded = newLevelId; this.hls.trigger(Event.LEVEL_UPDATED, { details: newDetails, level: newLevelId }); if (this.startFragRequested === false) { // compute start position if set to -1. use it straight away if value is defined if (this.startPosition === -1 || this.lastCurrentTime === -1) { // first, check if start time offset has been set in playlist, if yes, use this value let startTimeOffset = newDetails.startTimeOffset; if (Number.isFinite(startTimeOffset)) { if (startTimeOffset < 0) { console.log(`negative start time offset ${startTimeOffset}, count from end of last fragment`); startTimeOffset = sliding + duration + startTimeOffset; } console.log(`start time offset found in playlist, adjust startPosition to ${startTimeOffset}`); this.startPosition = startTimeOffset; } else { // if live playlist, set start position to be fragment N-this.config.liveSyncDurationCount (usually 3) if (newDetails.live) { console.log("handling of this case is not implemented"); } else { this.startPosition = 0; } } this.lastCurrentTime = this.startPosition; } this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition; } this._fetchPayloadOrEos(levelDetails); } onFragLoaded(data) { this.hls.loadSuccess(data.payload); this._loadFragment(); } } export default StreamController;