  slice_test.go provides testing for parsing functionality found in slice.go.

  Saxon Nelson-Milton <saxon@ausocean.org>
  Shawn Smith <shawn@ausocean.org>

  Copyright (C) 2019 the Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean).

  It is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify them
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
  Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
  option) any later version.

  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
  for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  in gpl.txt.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.

package h264dec

import (


var subWidthCTests = []struct {
	in   SPS
	want int
	{SPS{}, 17},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 0}, 17},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 1}, 2},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 2}, 2},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 3}, 1},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 3, SeparateColorPlaneFlag: true}, 17},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 999}, 17},

// TestSubWidthC tests that the correct SubWidthC is returned given
// SPS inputs with various chroma formats.
func TestSubWidthC(t *testing.T) {
	for _, tt := range subWidthCTests {
		if got := SubWidthC(&tt.in); got != tt.want {
			t.Errorf("SubWidthC(%#v) = %d, want %d", tt.in, got, tt.want)

var subHeightCTests = []struct {
	in   SPS
	want int
	{SPS{}, 17},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 0}, 17},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 1}, 2},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 2}, 1},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 3}, 1},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 3, SeparateColorPlaneFlag: true}, 17},
	{SPS{ChromaFormatIDC: 999}, 17},

// TestSubHeightC tests that the correct SubHeightC is returned given
// SPS inputs with various chroma formats.
func TestSubHeightC(t *testing.T) {
	for _, tt := range subHeightCTests {
		if got := SubHeightC(&tt.in); got != tt.want {
			t.Errorf("SubHeight(%#v) = %d, want %d", tt.in, got, tt.want)

func TestNewRefPicListModification(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		in   string
		s    SliceHeader
		p    PPS
		want RefPicListModification
			in: "1" + // u(1) ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0=true
				// First modification for list0
				"1" + // ue(v) modification_of_pic_nums_idc[0][0] = 0
				"010" + // ue(v) abs_diff_pic_num_minus1[0][0] = 1

				// Second modification for list0
				"010" + // ue(v) modification_of_pic_nums_idc[0][1] = 1
				"011" + // ue(v) abs_diff_pic_num_minus1[0][1] = 2

				// Third modification for list0
				"011" + // ue(v) modification_of_pic_nums_idc[0][2] = 2
				"010" + // ue(v) long_term_pic_num = 1

				// Fourth modification does not exist
				"00100", // ue(v) modification_of_pic_nums_idc[0][3] = 3

			s: SliceHeader{
				SliceType: 3,

			p: PPS{
				NumRefIdxL0DefaultActiveMinus1: 2,

			want: RefPicListModification{
				RefPicListModificationFlag: [2]bool{true, false},
				ModificationOfPicNums:      [2][]int{{0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 0}},
				AbsDiffPicNumMinus1:        [2][]int{{1, 2, 0, 0}, {0, 0}},
				LongTermPicNum:             [2][]int{{0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0}},

	for i, test := range tests {
		inBytes, err := binToSlice(test.in)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v for binToSlice in test %d", err, i)

		got, err := NewRefPicListModification(bits.NewBitReader(bytes.NewReader(inBytes)), &test.p, &test.s)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v for NewRefPicListModification in test %d", err, i)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(*got, test.want) {
			t.Errorf("did not get expected result for test %d\nGot: %v\nWant: %v\n", i, got, test.want)

func TestNewPredWeightTable(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		in              string
		sliceHeader     SliceHeader
		chromaArrayType int
		want            PredWeightTable
			in: "011" + // ue(v) luma_log2_weight_denom = 2
				"00100" + // ue(v) chroma_log2_weigght_denom = 3

				// list0
				// i = 0
				"1" + // u(1) luma_weight_l0_flag = true
				"011" + // se(v) luma_weight_l0[0] = -1
				"010" + // se(v) luma_offset_l0[0] = 1
				"1" + // u(1) chroma_weight_l0_flag = true

				// i = 0, j = 0
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l0[0][0] = 1
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_offset_l0[0][0] = 1

				// i = 0, j = 1
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l0[0][1] = 1
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_offset_l0[0][1] = 1

				// i = 1
				"1" + // u(1) luma_weight_l0_flag = true
				"011" + // se(v) luma_weight_l0[1] = -1
				"00100" + // se(v) luma_offset_l0[1] = 2
				"1" + // u(1) chroma_weight_l0_flag = true

				// i = 1, j = 0
				"011" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l0[1][0] = -1
				"00101" + // se(v) chroma_offset_l0[1][0] = -2

				// i = 1, j = 1
				"011" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l0[1][1] = -1
				"011" + // se(v) chroma_offset_l0[1][1] = -1

				// list1
				// i = 0
				"1" + // u(1) luma_weight_l1_flag = true
				"011" + // se(v) luma_weight_l1[0] = -1
				"010" + // se(v) luma_offset_l1[0] = 1
				"1" + // u(1) chroma_weight_l1_flag = true

				// i = 0, j = 0
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l1[0][0] = 1
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_offset_l1[0][0] = 1

				// i = 0, j = 1
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l1[0][1] = 1
				"010" + // se(v) chroma_offset_l1[0][1] = 1

				// i = 1
				"1" + // u(1) luma_weight_l1_flag = true
				"011" + // se(v) luma_weight_l1[1] = -1
				"00100" + // se(v) luma_offset_l1[1] = 2
				"1" + // u(1) chroma_weight_l1_flag = true

				// i = 1, j = 0
				"011" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l0[1][0] = -1
				"00101" + // se(v) chroma_offset_l0[1][0] = -2

				// i = 1, j = 1
				"011" + // se(v) chroma_weight_l0[1][1] = -1
				"011", // se(v) chroma_offset_l0[1][1] = -1

			sliceHeader: SliceHeader{
				NumRefIdxL0ActiveMinus1: 1,
				NumRefIdxL1ActiveMinus1: 1,
				SliceType:               1,

			chromaArrayType: 1,

			want: PredWeightTable{
				LumaLog2WeightDenom:   2,
				ChromaLog2WeightDenom: 3,

				LumaWeightL0Flag:   true,
				LumaWeightL0:       []int{-1, -1},
				LumaOffsetL0:       []int{1, 2},
				ChromaWeightL0Flag: true,
				ChromaWeightL0:     [][]int{{1, 1}, {-1, -1}},
				ChromaOffsetL0:     [][]int{{1, 1}, {-2, -1}},

				LumaWeightL1Flag:   true,
				LumaWeightL1:       []int{-1, -1},
				LumaOffsetL1:       []int{1, 2},
				ChromaWeightL1Flag: true,
				ChromaWeightL1:     [][]int{{1, 1}, {-1, -1}},
				ChromaOffsetL1:     [][]int{{1, 1}, {-2, -1}},

	for i, test := range tests {
		inBytes, err := binToSlice(test.in)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v for binToSlice in test %d", err, i)

		got, err := NewPredWeightTable(bits.NewBitReader(bytes.NewReader(inBytes)),
			&test.sliceHeader, test.chromaArrayType)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v for NewPredWeightTable in test %d", err, i)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(*got, test.want) {
			t.Errorf("did not get expected result for test %d\nGot: %v\nWant: %v\n", i, got, test.want)

func TestDecRefPicMarking(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		in     string
		idrPic bool
		want   DecRefPicMarking
			in: "0" + // u(1) no_output_of_prior_pics_flag = false
				"1", // u(1) long_term_reference_flag = true
			idrPic: true,
			want: DecRefPicMarking{
				NoOutputOfPriorPicsFlag: false,
				LongTermReferenceFlag:   true,
			in: "1" + // u(1) adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag = true

				"010" + // ue(v) memory_management_control_operation = 1
				"011" + // ue(v) difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 = 2

				"00100" + // ue(v) memory_management_control_operation = 3
				"1" + // ue(v) difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 = 0
				"011" + // ue(v) long_term_frame_idx = 2

				"011" + // ue(v) memory_management_control_operation = 2
				"00100" + // ue(v) long_term_pic_num = 3

				"00101" + // ue(v) memory_management_control_operation = 4
				"010" + // ue(v) max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1 = 1

				"1", // ue(v) memory_management_control_operation = 0

			idrPic: false,

			want: DecRefPicMarking{
				AdaptiveRefPicMarkingModeFlag: true,
				elements: []drpmElement{
						MemoryManagementControlOperation: 1,
						DifferenceOfPicNumsMinus1:        2,
						MemoryManagementControlOperation: 3,
						DifferenceOfPicNumsMinus1:        0,
						LongTermFrameIdx:                 2,
						MemoryManagementControlOperation: 2,
						LongTermPicNum:                   3,
						MemoryManagementControlOperation: 4,
						MaxLongTermFrameIdxPlus1:         1,
						MemoryManagementControlOperation: 0,

	for i, test := range tests {
		inBytes, err := binToSlice(test.in)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v for binToSlice in test %d", err, i)

		got, err := NewDecRefPicMarking(bits.NewBitReader(bytes.NewReader(inBytes)), test.idrPic)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v for NewPredWeightTable in test %d", err, i)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(*got, test.want) {
			t.Errorf("did not get expected result for test %d\nGot: %v\nWant: %v\n", i, got, test.want)