# Install files and directories required by NetSender clients (such as gpio-netsender, rv, etc.) # and create a dhcpcd.enter-hook for setting the MAC address. # MA and DK can be optionally passed to Make, e.g, for a hard (first-time) installation: # sudo MA=mac DK=dk install_hard # NB: The default (soft) install does not override conf files. # USR can also be passsed to customise user under which the code is housed. USER := $(shell whoami) PATH := /usr/local/go/bin:$(PATH) BIN_NAME := rv BIN_DIR := /src/bitbucket.org/ausocean/av/cmd/$(BIN_NAME) RUN_SCRIPT_DIR := /src/bitbucket.org/ausocean/av/init/run.sh # Change this to withcv if you wish to use CV. BUILD_TAG := ifeq ($(MA),) MA := "00:E0:4C:00:00:01" endif ifeq ($(DK),) DK := 0 endif .SILENT:make_dirs .SILENT:soft_copy_files .SILENT:hard_copy_files .SILENT:set_mac .SILENT:clean rebuild: chmod +x run.sh cd ../cmd/$(BIN_NAME); \ if [ -z "$(BUILD_TAG)" ]; then \ go build; \ else \ go build -tags $(BUILD_TAG); \ fi install: as_root make_dirs soft_copy_files rebuild syncreboot @echo "Install complete" install_hard: as_root make_dirs hard_copy_files set_mac rebuild syncreboot @echo "Hard install complete" as_root: ifneq ($(USER),root) $(error Must run as superuser!) endif make_dirs: if [ ! -d /var/netsender ] ; then \ mkdir /var/netsender; \ chmod guo+rwx /var/netsender; \ fi if [ ! -d /var/log/netsender ] ; then \ mkdir /var/log/netsender; \ chmod guo+rwx /var/log/netsender; \ fi soft_copy_files: if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/$(BIN_NAME).service ] ; then \ echo "/etc/systemd/system/$(BIN_NAME).service left unmodified" ; \ else \ bash create_service.sh $(RUN_SCRIPT_DIR) $(BIN_DIR); \ fi systemctl enable $(BIN_NAME).service if [ -f /etc/netsender.conf ] ; then \ echo "/etc/netsender.conf left unmodified" ; \ else \ printf "ma $(MA)\ndk $(DK)\n" > /etc/netsender.conf; \ bash permissions.sh; \ fi hard_copy_files: if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/$(BIN_NAME).service ] ; then \ echo "/etc/systemd/system/$(BIN_NAME).service overwritten" ; \ fi bash create_service.sh $(RUN_SCRIPT_DIR) $(BIN_DIR) systemctl enable $(BIN_NAME).service if [ -f /etc/netsender.conf ] ; then \ echo "Backed up netsender.conf to /etc/netsender.conf.bak"; \ cp /etc/netsender.conf /etc/netsender.conf.bak ; \ fi printf "ma $(MA)\ndk $(DK)\n" > /etc/netsender.conf bash permissions.sh set_mac: printf "ip link set eth0 address $(MA)\n" > /etc/dhcpcd.enter-hook chmod guo+x /etc/dhcpcd.enter-hook syncreboot: if [ -e ../../utils ]; then \ cd ../../utils; git checkout -f master; git pull; \ else \ cd ../../; git clone https://bitbucket.org/ausocean/utils; \ fi cd ../../utils/cmd/syncreboot; make; make install clean: as_root rm -rf /var/netsender rm -rf /var/log/netsender rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/$(BIN_NAME).service rm -rf /etc/netsender.conf @echo "Clean complete"