A new netsender variable, FilterDownscaling is used for reducing the resolution of frames within the MOG motion filter.
This does not affect the resolution of the video output, it is only used to speed up calculations.
A FilterDownscaling factor of 2 is equivalent to skipping every 2nd pixel in the image.
The InputFPS field can control rate at which we lex frames from the input source. This has
not been a useful feature until now; we now want to simulate realtime input device using file
input. This requires firstly the Loop mode, and now also realistic input rate.
Loop flag has been added to command line flags and in turn sets the Loop field that has been
added to the config.Config struct. mode variable now also checked to see if value set to
Loop, in which case revid config.Config.Loop = true. Revid.processFrom modified so that
when input source has completed Revid.cfg.Loop is checked and input restarted if true.
This branch was made because we were having problems with rebasing the original filter-interface branch. Filter-interface was used to make interface for filters and adding into pipeline made a new file (filter.go) that conatins package Filter. This package has the filter interface, with one filter, NoOp. More filters can be added. The filtering stage was placed inbetween lexing and encoding by changing the LexTo function to have the filter as it's destination and making the destination of the filter to be r.encoders
Added a case that allows packets to be sent by unit of time (in seconds) rather than by number of packets or nal methods. Also made a variable that can be changed in vidgrinder to choose the amount of time, called PsiTime
Chunksize can be calculated without needing an ALSA device instance.
Added a DataSize function to pcm package for calculating size of pcm data given relevant attributes.
Removed ChunkSize from config revid config struct.
Changed NewByteLexer to accept an in rather than a pointer.