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Merged in buffered-mts-sender (pull request #180)
revid: Buffered MtsSender Approved-by: kortschak <dan@kortschak.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,21 +4,11 @@ go 1.12
require (
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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import (
@ -111,6 +112,9 @@ type Revid struct {
// encoder holds the required encoders, which then write to destinations.
// encoder holds the required encoders, which then write to destinations.
encoder []io.Writer
encoder []io.Writer
// writeClosers holds the senders that the encoders will write to.
writeClosers []io.WriteCloser
// bitrate hold the last send bitrate calculation result.
// bitrate hold the last send bitrate calculation result.
bitrate int
bitrate int
@ -177,24 +181,29 @@ func (r *Revid) setConfig(config Config) error {
return nil
return nil
// setupPipeline constructs a data pipeline.
// setupPipeline constructs the revid dataPipeline. Inputs, encoders and
func (r *Revid) setupPipeline(mtsEnc, flvEnc func(dst io.Writer, rate int) (io.Writer, error), multiWriter func(...io.Writer) io.Writer) error {
// senders are created and linked based on the current revid config.
// mtsEnc and flvEnc will be called to obtain an mts encoder and flv encoder
// respectively. multiWriter will be used to create an ioext.multiWriteCloser
// so that encoders can write to multiple senders.
func (r *Revid) setupPipeline(mtsEnc, flvEnc func(dst io.Writer, rate int) (io.Writer, error), multiWriter func(...io.WriteCloser) io.WriteCloser) error {
r.buffer = (*buffer)(ring.NewBuffer(ringBufferSize, ringBufferElementSize, writeTimeout))
r.buffer = (*buffer)(ring.NewBuffer(ringBufferSize, ringBufferElementSize, writeTimeout))
r.encoder = r.encoder[:0]
r.encoder = r.encoder[:0]
// mtsSenders will hold the senders the require MPEGTS encoding, and flvSenders
// mtsSenders will hold the senders the require MPEGTS encoding, and flvSenders
// will hold senders that require FLV encoding.
// will hold senders that require FLV encoding.
var mtsSenders, flvSenders []io.Writer
var mtsSenders, flvSenders []io.WriteCloser
// We will go through our outputs and create the corresponding senders to add
// We will go through our outputs and create the corresponding senders to add
// to mtsSenders if the output requires MPEGTS encoding, or flvSenders if the
// to mtsSenders if the output requires MPEGTS encoding, or flvSenders if the
// output requires FLV encoding.
// output requires FLV encoding.
var w io.Writer
var w io.WriteCloser
for _, out := range r.config.Outputs {
for _, out := range r.config.Outputs {
switch out {
switch out {
case Http:
case Http:
w = newMtsSender(newHttpSender(r.ns, r.config.Logger.Log), nil)
w = newMtsSender(newHttpSender(r.ns, r.config.Logger.Log), r.config.Logger.Log, ringBufferSize, ringBufferElementSize, writeTimeout)
mtsSenders = append(mtsSenders, w)
mtsSenders = append(mtsSenders, w)
case Rtp:
case Rtp:
w, err := newRtpSender(r.config.RtpAddress, r.config.Logger.Log, r.config.FrameRate)
w, err := newRtpSender(r.config.RtpAddress, r.config.Logger.Log, r.config.FrameRate)
@ -279,7 +288,7 @@ func (r *Revid) reset(config Config) error {
return err
return err
err = r.setupPipeline(newMtsEncoder, newFlvEncoder, io.MultiWriter)
err = r.setupPipeline(newMtsEncoder, newFlvEncoder, ioext.MultiWriteCloser)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -338,14 +347,19 @@ func (r *Revid) Stop() {
for _, w := range r.writeClosers {
err := w.Close()
if err != nil {
r.config.Logger.Log(logger.Error, pkg+"could not close all writeClosers, cannot stop", "error", err.Error())
r.config.Logger.Log(logger.Info, pkg+"stopping revid")
r.config.Logger.Log(logger.Info, pkg+"stopping revid")
r.config.Logger.Log(logger.Info, pkg+"killing input proccess")
r.config.Logger.Log(logger.Info, pkg+"killing input proccess")
// If a cmd process is running, we kill!
// If a cmd process is running, we kill!
if r.cmd != nil && r.cmd.Process != nil {
if r.cmd != nil && r.cmd.Process != nil {
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ func (e *tstFlvEncoder) Write(d []byte) (int, error) { return len(d), nil }
// dummyMultiWriter emulates the MultiWriter provided by std lib, so that we
// dummyMultiWriter emulates the MultiWriter provided by std lib, so that we
// can access the destinations.
// can access the destinations.
type dummyMultiWriter struct {
type dummyMultiWriter struct {
dst []io.Writer
dst []io.WriteCloser
func newDummyMultiWriter(dst ...io.Writer) io.Writer {
func newDummyMultiWriter(dst ...io.WriteCloser) io.WriteCloser {
return &dummyMultiWriter{
return &dummyMultiWriter{
dst: dst,
dst: dst,
@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ func newDummyMultiWriter(dst ...io.Writer) io.Writer {
func (w *dummyMultiWriter) Write(d []byte) (int, error) { return len(d), nil }
func (w *dummyMultiWriter) Write(d []byte) (int, error) { return len(d), nil }
func (w *dummyMultiWriter) Close() error { return nil }
// TestResetEncoderSenderSetup checks that revid.reset() correctly sets up the
// TestResetEncoderSenderSetup checks that revid.reset() correctly sets up the
// revid.encoder slice and the senders the encoders write to.
// revid.encoder slice and the senders the encoders write to.
func TestResetEncoderSenderSetup(t *testing.T) {
func TestResetEncoderSenderSetup(t *testing.T) {
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import (
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ import (
// Log is used by the multiSender.
// Log is used by the multiSender.
@ -68,6 +71,8 @@ func (s *httpSender) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
return len(d), httpSend(d, s.client, s.log)
return len(d), httpSend(d, s.client, s.log)
func (s *httpSender) Close() error { return nil }
func httpSend(d []byte, client *netsender.Sender, log func(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{})) error {
func httpSend(d []byte, client *netsender.Sender, log func(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{})) error {
// Only send if "V0" is configured as an input.
// Only send if "V0" is configured as an input.
send := false
send := false
@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ type fileSender struct {
data []byte
data []byte
func newFileSender(path string) (io.Writer, error) {
func newFileSender(path string) (*fileSender, error) {
f, err := os.Create(path)
f, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
@ -142,26 +147,80 @@ func (s *fileSender) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
return s.file.Write(d)
return s.file.Write(d)
func (s *fileSender) close() error { return s.file.Close() }
func (s *fileSender) Close() error { return s.file.Close() }
// mtsSender implements loadSender and provides sending capability specifically
// mtsSender implements io.WriteCloser and provides sending capability specifically
// for use with MPEGTS packetization. It handles the construction of appropriately
// for use with MPEGTS packetization. It handles the construction of appropriately
// lengthed clips based on PSI. It also fixes accounts for discontinuities by
// lengthed clips based on PSI. It also accounts for discontinuities by
// setting the discontinuity indicator for the first packet of a clip.
// setting the discontinuity indicator for the first packet of a clip.
type mtsSender struct {
type mtsSender struct {
dst io.Writer
dst io.WriteCloser
buf []byte
buf []byte
ringBuf *ring.Buffer
next []byte
next []byte
pkt packet.Packet
pkt packet.Packet
repairer *mts.DiscontinuityRepairer
repairer *mts.DiscontinuityRepairer
curPid int
curPid int
quit chan struct{}
log func(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{})
wg sync.WaitGroup
// newMtsSender returns a new mtsSender.
// newMtsSender returns a new mtsSender.
func newMtsSender(dst io.Writer, log func(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{})) *mtsSender {
func newMtsSender(dst io.WriteCloser, log func(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{}), rbSize int, rbElementSize int, wTimeout time.Duration) *mtsSender {
return &mtsSender{
s := &mtsSender{
dst: dst,
dst: dst,
repairer: mts.NewDiscontinuityRepairer(),
repairer: mts.NewDiscontinuityRepairer(),
log: log,
ringBuf: ring.NewBuffer(rbSize, rbElementSize, wTimeout),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
go s.output()
return s
// output starts an mtsSender's data handling routine.
func (s *mtsSender) output() {
var chunk *ring.Chunk
for {
select {
case <-s.quit:
s.log(logger.Info, pkg+"mtsSender: got quit signal, terminating output routine")
defer s.wg.Done()
// If chunk is nil then we're ready to get another from the ringBuffer.
if chunk == nil {
var err error
chunk, err = s.ringBuf.Next(readTimeout)
switch err {
case nil:
case ring.ErrTimeout:
s.log(logger.Debug, pkg+"mtsSender: ring buffer read timeout")
s.log(logger.Error, pkg+"mtsSender: unexpected error", "error", err.Error())
case io.EOF:
err := s.repairer.Repair(chunk.Bytes())
if err != nil {
chunk = nil
_, err = s.dst.Write(chunk.Bytes())
if err != nil {
chunk = nil
@ -176,20 +235,23 @@ func (s *mtsSender) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
copy(s.pkt[:], bytes)
copy(s.pkt[:], bytes)
s.curPid = s.pkt.PID()
s.curPid = s.pkt.PID()
if s.curPid == mts.PatPid && len(s.buf) > 0 {
if s.curPid == mts.PatPid && len(s.buf) > 0 {
err := s.repairer.Repair(s.buf)
_, err := s.ringBuf.Write(s.buf)
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
_, err = s.dst.Write(s.buf)
s.log(logger.Warning, pkg+"mtsSender: ringBuffer write error", "error", err.Error())
if err == nil {
goto done
s.buf = s.buf[:0]
s.buf = s.buf[:0]
return len(d), nil
return len(d), nil
// Close implements io.Closer.
func (s *mtsSender) Close() error {
return nil
// rtmpSender implements loadSender for a native RTMP destination.
// rtmpSender implements loadSender for a native RTMP destination.
type rtmpSender struct {
type rtmpSender struct {
conn *rtmp.Conn
conn *rtmp.Conn
@ -238,7 +300,7 @@ func (s *rtmpSender) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
func (s *rtmpSender) restart() error {
func (s *rtmpSender) restart() error {
var err error
var err error
for n := 0; n < s.retries; n++ {
for n := 0; n < s.retries; n++ {
s.conn, err = rtmp.Dial(s.url, s.timeout, s.log)
s.conn, err = rtmp.Dial(s.url, s.timeout, s.log)
@ -253,12 +315,12 @@ func (s *rtmpSender) restart() error {
return err
return err
func (s *rtmpSender) close() error {
func (s *rtmpSender) Close() error {
if s.conn != nil {
if s.conn == nil {
return s.conn.Close()
return nil
return nil
return s.conn.Close()
// TODO: Write restart func for rtpSender
// TODO: Write restart func for rtpSender
// rtpSender implements loadSender for a native udp destination with rtp packetization.
// rtpSender implements loadSender for a native udp destination with rtp packetization.
@ -290,3 +352,5 @@ func (s *rtpSender) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
return len(d), nil
return len(d), nil
func (s *rtpSender) Close() error { return nil }
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ package revid
import (
import (
@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ import (
// Ring buffer sizes and read/write timeouts.
// Ring buffer sizes and read/write timeouts.
@ -55,20 +53,25 @@ var (
errSendFailed = errors.New("send failed")
errSendFailed = errors.New("send failed")
// sender simulates sending of video data, creating discontinuities if
// destination simulates a destination for the mtsSender. It allows for the
// testDiscontinuities is set to true.
// emulation of failed and delayed sends.
type destination struct {
type destination struct {
buf [][]byte
buf [][]byte
testDiscontinuities bool
testFails bool
discontinuityAt int
failAt int
currentPkt int
currentPkt int
t *testing.T
sendDelay time.Duration
delayAt int
// Write implements io.Writer.
// Write takes d and neglects if testDiscontinuities is true, returning an error,
// otherwise d is appended to senders buf.
func (ts *destination) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
func (ts *destination) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
if ts.testDiscontinuities && ts.currentPkt == ts.discontinuityAt {
ts.t.Log("writing clip to destination")
if ts.delayAt != 0 && ts.currentPkt == ts.delayAt {
if ts.testFails && ts.currentPkt == ts.failAt {
ts.t.Log("failed send")
return 0, errSendFailed
return 0, errSendFailed
@ -79,9 +82,12 @@ func (ts *destination) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
return len(d), nil
return len(d), nil
// log implements the required logging func for some of the structs in use
func (ts *destination) Close() error { return nil }
// within tests.
func log(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
// dummyLogger will allow logging to be done by the testing pkg.
type dummyLogger testing.T
func (dl *dummyLogger) log(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
var l string
var l string
switch lvl {
switch lvl {
case logger.Warning:
case logger.Warning:
@ -99,7 +105,11 @@ func log(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
msg += " %v"
msg += " %v"
fmt.Printf(msg, args)
if len(args) == 0 {
dl.Log(msg + "\n")
dl.Logf(msg+"\n", args)
// TestSegment ensures that the mtsSender correctly segments data into clips
// TestSegment ensures that the mtsSender correctly segments data into clips
@ -107,38 +117,28 @@ func log(lvl int8, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
func TestMtsSenderSegment(t *testing.T) {
func TestMtsSenderSegment(t *testing.T) {
mts.Meta = meta.New()
mts.Meta = meta.New()
// Create ringBuffer, sender, loadsender and the MPEGTS encoder.
// Create ringBuffer, sender, sender and the MPEGTS encoder.
tstDst := &destination{}
tstDst := &destination{t: t}
loadSender := newMtsSender(tstDst, log)
sender := newMtsSender(tstDst, (*dummyLogger)(t).log, ringBufferSize, ringBufferElementSize, writeTimeout)
rb := ring.NewBuffer(rbSize, rbElementSize, wTimeout)
encoder := mts.NewEncoder(sender, 25, mts.Video)
encoder := mts.NewEncoder((*buffer)(rb), 25, mts.Video)
// Turn time based PSI writing off for encoder.
// Turn time based PSI writing off for encoder.
const psiSendCount = 10
const psiSendCount = 10
encoder.TimeBasedPsi(false, psiSendCount)
encoder.TimeBasedPsi(false, psiSendCount)
// Write the packets to the encoder, which will in turn write to the mtsSender.
// Payload will just be packet number.
t.Log("writing packets")
const noOfPacketsToWrite = 100
const noOfPacketsToWrite = 100
for i := 0; i < noOfPacketsToWrite; i++ {
for i := 0; i < noOfPacketsToWrite; i++ {
// Insert a payload so that we check that the segmentation works correctly
// in this regard. Packet number will be used.
for {
next, err := rb.Next(rTimeout)
if err != nil {
_, err = loadSender.Write(next.Bytes())
// Give the mtsSender some time to finish up and then Close it.
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err: %v\n", err)
next = nil
// Check the data.
result := tstDst.buf
result := tstDst.buf
expectData := 0
expectData := 0
for clipNo, clip := range result {
for clipNo, clip := range result {
@ -160,9 +160,11 @@ func TestMtsSenderSegment(t *testing.T) {
// Check that the clip data is okay.
// Check that the clip data is okay.
t.Log("checking clip data")
for i := 0; i < len(clip); i += mts.PacketSize {
for i := 0; i < len(clip); i += mts.PacketSize {
copy(pkt[:], clip[i:i+mts.PacketSize])
copy(pkt[:], clip[i:i+mts.PacketSize])
if pkt.PID() == mts.VideoPid {
if pkt.PID() == mts.VideoPid {
t.Log("got video PID")
payload, err := pkt.Payload()
payload, err := pkt.Payload()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err: %v\n", err)
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err: %v\n", err)
@ -187,61 +189,149 @@ func TestMtsSenderSegment(t *testing.T) {
// TestMtsSenderFailedSend checks that a failed send is correctly handled by
// the mtsSender. The mtsSender should try to send the same clip again.
func TestMtsSenderFailedSend(t *testing.T) {
mts.Meta = meta.New()
// Create destination, the mtsSender and the mtsEncoder
const clipToFailAt = 3
tstDst := &destination{t: t, testFails: true, failAt: clipToFailAt}
sender := newMtsSender(tstDst, (*dummyLogger)(t).log, ringBufferSize, ringBufferElementSize, writeTimeout)
encoder := mts.NewEncoder(sender, 25, mts.Video)
// Turn time based PSI writing off for encoder and send PSI every 10 packets.
const psiSendCount = 10
encoder.TimeBasedPsi(false, psiSendCount)
// Write the packets to the encoder, which will in turn write to the mtsSender.
// Payload will just be packet number.
t.Log("writing packets")
const noOfPacketsToWrite = 100
for i := 0; i < noOfPacketsToWrite; i++ {
// Give the mtsSender some time to finish up and then Close it.
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// Check that we have data as expected.
result := tstDst.buf
expectData := 0
for clipNo, clip := range result {
t.Logf("Checking clip: %v\n", clipNo)
// Check that the clip is of expected length.
clipLen := len(clip)
if clipLen != psiSendCount*mts.PacketSize {
t.Fatalf("Clip %v is not correct length. Got: %v Want: %v\n Clip: %v\n", clipNo, clipLen, psiSendCount*mts.PacketSize, clip)
// Also check that the first packet is a PAT.
firstPkt := clip[:mts.PacketSize]
var pkt packet.Packet
copy(pkt[:], firstPkt)
pid := pkt.PID()
if pid != mts.PatPid {
t.Fatalf("First packet of clip %v is not pat, but rather: %v\n", clipNo, pid)
// Check that the clip data is okay.
t.Log("checking clip data")
for i := 0; i < len(clip); i += mts.PacketSize {
copy(pkt[:], clip[i:i+mts.PacketSize])
if pkt.PID() == mts.VideoPid {
t.Log("got video PID")
payload, err := pkt.Payload()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err: %v\n", err)
// Parse PES from the MTS payload.
pes, err := pes.NewPESHeader(payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err: %v\n", err)
// Get the data from the PES packet and convert to an int.
data := int8(pes.Data()[0])
// Calc expected data in the PES and then check.
if data != int8(expectData) {
t.Errorf("Did not get expected pkt data. ClipNo: %v, pktNoInClip: %v, Got: %v, want: %v\n", clipNo, i/mts.PacketSize, data, expectData)
// TestMtsSenderDiscontinuity checks that a discontinuity in a stream is
// correctly handled by the mtsSender. A discontinuity is caused by overflowing
// the mtsSender's ringBuffer. It is expected that the next clip seen has the
// disconinuity indicator applied.
func TestMtsSenderDiscontinuity(t *testing.T) {
func TestMtsSenderDiscontinuity(t *testing.T) {
mts.Meta = meta.New()
mts.Meta = meta.New()
// Create ringBuffer sender, loadSender and the MPEGTS encoder.
// Create destination, the mtsSender and the mtsEncoder.
const clipWithDiscontinuity = 3
const clipToDelay = 3
tstDst := &destination{testDiscontinuities: true, discontinuityAt: clipWithDiscontinuity}
tstDst := &destination{t: t, sendDelay: 10 * time.Millisecond, delayAt: clipToDelay}
loadSender := newMtsSender(tstDst, log)
sender := newMtsSender(tstDst, (*dummyLogger)(t).log, 1, ringBufferElementSize, writeTimeout)
rb := ring.NewBuffer(rbSize, rbElementSize, wTimeout)
encoder := mts.NewEncoder(sender, 25, mts.Video)
encoder := mts.NewEncoder((*buffer)(rb), 25, mts.Video)
// Turn time based PSI writing off for encoder.
// Turn time based PSI writing off for encoder.
const psiSendCount = 10
const psiSendCount = 10
encoder.TimeBasedPsi(false, psiSendCount)
encoder.TimeBasedPsi(false, psiSendCount)
// Write the packets to the encoder, which will in turn write to the mtsSender.
// Payload will just be packet number.
const noOfPacketsToWrite = 100
const noOfPacketsToWrite = 100
for i := 0; i < noOfPacketsToWrite; i++ {
for i := 0; i < noOfPacketsToWrite; i++ {
// Our payload will just be packet number.
for {
next, err := rb.Next(rTimeout)
if err != nil {
_, err = loadSender.Write(next.Bytes())
// Give mtsSender time to finish up then Close.
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err: %v\n", err)
next = nil
// Check the data.
result := tstDst.buf
result := tstDst.buf
expectedCC := 0
for clipNo, clip := range result {
t.Logf("Checking clip: %v\n", clipNo)
// First check that we have less clips as expected.
// Check that the clip is of expected length.
expectedLen := (((noOfPacketsToWrite/psiSendCount)*2 + noOfPacketsToWrite) / psiSendCount) - 1
clipLen := len(clip)
gotLen := len(result)
if clipLen != psiSendCount*mts.PacketSize {
if gotLen != expectedLen {
t.Fatalf("Clip %v is not correct length. Got: %v Want: %v\n Clip: %v\n", clipNo, clipLen, psiSendCount*mts.PacketSize, clip)
t.Errorf("We don't have one less clip as we should. Got: %v, want: %v\n", gotLen, expectedLen)
// Now check that the discontinuity indicator is set at the discontinuityClip PAT.
// Also check that the first packet is a PAT.
disconClip := result[clipWithDiscontinuity]
firstPkt := clip[:mts.PacketSize]
firstPkt := disconClip[:mts.PacketSize]
var pkt packet.Packet
var pkt packet.Packet
copy(pkt[:], firstPkt)
copy(pkt[:], firstPkt)
discon, err := (*packet.AdaptationField)(&pkt).Discontinuity()
pid := pkt.PID()
if err != nil {
if pid != mts.PatPid {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err: %v\n", err)
t.Fatalf("First packet of clip %v is not pat, but rather: %v\n", clipNo, pid)
// Get the discontinuity indicator
discon, _ := (*packet.AdaptationField)(&pkt).Discontinuity()
// Check the continuity counter.
cc := pkt.ContinuityCounter()
if cc != expectedCC {
t.Log("discontinuity found")
expectedCC = cc
if !discon {
if !discon {
t.Fatalf("Did not get discontinuity indicator for PAT")
t.Errorf("discontinuity indicator not set where expected for clip: %v", clipNo)
} else {
if discon && clipNo != 0 {
t.Errorf("did not expect discontinuity indicator to be set for clip: %v", clipNo)
expectedCC = (expectedCC + 1) & 0xf
Reference in New Issue