mirror of https://bitbucket.org/ausocean/av.git
Merged in m3u-live-minor (pull request #358)
mjpeg-player: added reloading of live playlists Approved-by: Saxon Milton
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,46 +2,40 @@
* Level Controller
import Event from '../events';
import EventHandler from '../event-handler';
import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
import { ErrorTypes, ErrorDetails } from '../errors';
import { isCodecSupportedInMp4 } from '../utils/codecs';
import { addGroupId, computeReloadInterval } from './level-helper';
import Event from '../events.js';
import EventHandler from '../event-handler.js';
import { addGroupId, computeReloadInterval } from './level-helper.js';
const { performance } = window;
let chromeOrFirefox;
export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
constructor (hls) {
constructor(hls) {
this.canload = false;
this.currentLevelIndex = null;
this.manualLevelIndex = -1;
this.currentLvlIdx = 0;
this.manualLvlIdx = -1;
this.timer = null;
chromeOrFirefox = /chrome|firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());
onHandlerDestroying () {
onHandlerDestroying() {
this.manualLevelIndex = -1;
this.manualLvlIdx = -1;
clearTimer () {
clearTimer() {
if (this.timer !== null) {
this.timer = null;
startLoad () {
startLoad() {
let levels = this._levels;
this.canload = true;
@ -63,11 +57,11 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
stopLoad () {
stopLoad() {
this.canload = false;
onManifestLoaded (data) {
onManifestLoaded(data) {
let levels = [];
let audioTracks = [];
let bitrateStart;
@ -85,12 +79,6 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
videoCodecFound = videoCodecFound || !!level.videoCodec;
audioCodecFound = audioCodecFound || !!level.audioCodec;
// erase audio codec info if browser does not support mp4a.40.34.
// demuxer will autodetect codec and fallback to mpeg/audio
if (chromeOrFirefox && level.audioCodec && level.audioCodec.indexOf('mp4a.40.34') !== -1) {
level.audioCodec = undefined;
levelFromSet = levelSet[level.bitrate]; // FIXME: we would also have to match the resolution here
if (!levelFromSet) {
@ -113,24 +101,6 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
// remove audio-only level if we also have levels with audio+video codecs signalled
if (videoCodecFound && audioCodecFound) {
levels = levels.filter(({ videoCodec }) => !!videoCodec);
// only keep levels with supported audio/video codecs
levels = levels.filter(({ audioCodec, videoCodec }) => {
return (!audioCodec || isCodecSupportedInMp4(audioCodec, 'audio')) && (!videoCodec || isCodecSupportedInMp4(videoCodec, 'video'));
if (data.audioTracks) {
audioTracks = data.audioTracks.filter(track => !track.audioCodec || isCodecSupportedInMp4(track.audioCodec, 'audio'));
// Reassign id's after filtering since they're used as array indices
audioTracks.forEach((track, index) => {
track.id = index;
if (levels.length > 0) {
// start bitrate is the first bitrate of the manifest
bitrateStart = levels[0].bitrate;
@ -141,7 +111,6 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
for (let i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) {
if (levels[i].bitrate === bitrateStart) {
this._firstLevel = i;
logger.log(`manifest loaded,${levels.length} level(s) found, first bitrate:${bitrateStart}`);
@ -167,34 +136,34 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
get levels () {
get levels() {
return this._levels;
get level () {
return this.currentLevelIndex;
get level() {
return this.curLvlIdx;
set level (newLevel) {
set level(newLevel) {
let levels = this._levels;
if (levels) {
newLevel = Math.min(newLevel, levels.length - 1);
if (this.currentLevelIndex !== newLevel || !levels[newLevel].details) {
if (this.curLvlIdx !== newLevel || !levels[newLevel].details) {
setLevelInternal (newLevel) {
setLevelInternal(newLevel) {
const levels = this._levels;
const hls = this.hls;
// check if level idx is valid
if (newLevel >= 0 && newLevel < levels.length) {
// stopping live reloading timer if any
if (this.currentLevelIndex !== newLevel) {
logger.log(`switching to level ${newLevel}`);
this.currentLevelIndex = newLevel;
if (this.curLvlIdx !== newLevel) {
console.log(`switching to level ${newLevel}`);
this.curLvlIdx = newLevel;
const levelProperties = levels[newLevel];
levelProperties.level = newLevel;
hls.trigger(Event.LEVEL_SWITCHING, levelProperties);
@ -220,12 +189,12 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
get manualLevel () {
return this.manualLevelIndex;
get manualLevel() {
return this.manualLvlIdx;
set manualLevel (newLevel) {
this.manualLevelIndex = newLevel;
set manualLevel(newLevel) {
this.manualLvlIdx = newLevel;
if (this._startLevel === undefined) {
this._startLevel = newLevel;
@ -235,15 +204,15 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
get firstLevel () {
get firstLevel() {
return this._firstLevel;
set firstLevel (newLevel) {
set firstLevel(newLevel) {
this._firstLevel = newLevel;
get startLevel () {
get startLevel() {
// hls.startLevel takes precedence over config.startLevel
// if none of these values are defined, fallback on this._firstLevel (first quality level appearing in variant manifest)
if (this._startLevel === undefined) {
@ -258,210 +227,53 @@ export default class LevelController extends EventHandler {
set startLevel (newLevel) {
set startLevel(newLevel) {
this._startLevel = newLevel;
onError (data) {
if (data.fatal) {
if (data.type === ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR) {
let levelError = false, fragmentError = false;
let levelIndex;
// try to recover not fatal errors
switch (data.details) {
case ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR:
case ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
case ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_ERROR:
case ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
levelIndex = data.frag.level;
fragmentError = true;
case ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR:
case ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
levelIndex = data.context.level;
levelError = true;
case ErrorDetails.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR:
levelIndex = data.level;
levelError = true;
if (levelIndex !== undefined) {
this.recoverLevel(data, levelIndex, levelError, fragmentError);
* Switch to a redundant stream if any available.
* If redundant stream is not available, emergency switch down if ABR mode is enabled.
* @param {Object} errorEvent
* @param {Number} levelIndex current level index
* @param {Boolean} levelError
* @param {Boolean} fragmentError
// FIXME Find a better abstraction where fragment/level retry management is well decoupled
recoverLevel (errorEvent, levelIndex, levelError, fragmentError) {
let { config } = this.hls;
let { details: errorDetails } = errorEvent;
let level = this._levels[levelIndex];
let redundantLevels, delay, nextLevel;
level.fragmentError = fragmentError;
if (levelError) {
if ((this.levelRetryCount + 1) <= config.levelLoadingMaxRetry) {
// exponential backoff capped to max retry timeout
delay = Math.min(Math.pow(2, this.levelRetryCount) * config.levelLoadingRetryDelay, config.levelLoadingMaxRetryTimeout);
// Schedule level reload
this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.loadLevel(), delay);
// boolean used to inform stream controller not to switch back to IDLE on non fatal error
errorEvent.levelRetry = true;
logger.warn(`level controller, ${errorDetails}, retry in ${delay} ms, current retry count is ${this.levelRetryCount}`);
} else {
logger.error(`level controller, cannot recover from ${errorDetails} error`);
this.currentLevelIndex = null;
// stopping live reloading timer if any
// switch error to fatal
errorEvent.fatal = true;
// Try any redundant streams if available for both errors: level and fragment
// If level.loadError reaches redundantLevels it means that we tried them all, no hope => let's switch down
if (levelError || fragmentError) {
redundantLevels = level.url.length;
if (redundantLevels > 1 && level.loadError < redundantLevels) {
level.urlId = (level.urlId + 1) % redundantLevels;
level.details = undefined;
logger.warn(`level controller, ${errorDetails} for level ${levelIndex}: switching to redundant URL-id ${level.urlId}`);
// console.log('Current audio track group ID:', this.hls.audioTracks[this.hls.audioTrack].groupId);
// console.log('New video quality level audio group id:', level.attrs.AUDIO);
} else {
// Search for available level
if (this.manualLevelIndex === -1) {
// When lowest level has been reached, let's start hunt from the top
nextLevel = (levelIndex === 0) ? this._levels.length - 1 : levelIndex - 1;
logger.warn(`level controller, ${errorDetails}: switch to ${nextLevel}`);
this.hls.nextAutoLevel = this.currentLevelIndex = nextLevel;
} else if (fragmentError) {
// Allow fragment retry as long as configuration allows.
// reset this._level so that another call to set level() will trigger again a frag load
logger.warn(`level controller, ${errorDetails}: reload a fragment`);
this.currentLevelIndex = null;
// reset errors on the successful load of a fragment
onFragLoaded ({ frag }) {
if (frag !== undefined && frag.type === 'main') {
const level = this._levels[frag.level];
if (level !== undefined) {
level.fragmentError = false;
level.loadError = 0;
this.levelRetryCount = 0;
onLevelLoaded (data) {
onLevelLoaded(data) {
const { level, details } = data;
// only process level loaded events matching with expected level
if (level !== this.currentLevelIndex) {
const curLevel = this._levels[level];
// reset level load error counter on successful level loaded only if there is no issues with fragments
if (!curLevel.fragmentError) {
curLevel.loadError = 0;
this.levelRetryCount = 0;
// if current playlist is a live playlist, arm a timer to reload it
if (details.live) {
const reloadInterval = computeReloadInterval(curLevel.details, details, data.stats.trequest);
logger.log(`live playlist, reload in ${Math.round(reloadInterval)} ms`);
console.log(`live playlist, reload in ${Math.round(reloadInterval)} ms`);
this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.loadLevel(), reloadInterval);
} else {
onAudioTrackSwitched (data) {
const audioGroupId = this.hls.audioTracks[data.id].groupId;
loadLevel() {
console.log('call to loadLevel, index: ' + this.curLvlIdx + "canload: " + this.canload);
const currentLevel = this.hls.levels[this.currentLevelIndex];
if (!currentLevel) {
if (currentLevel.audioGroupIds) {
let urlId = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < currentLevel.audioGroupIds.length; i++) {
if (currentLevel.audioGroupIds[i] === audioGroupId) {
urlId = i;
if (urlId !== currentLevel.urlId) {
currentLevel.urlId = urlId;
loadLevel () {
logger.debug('call to loadLevel');
if (this.currentLevelIndex !== null && this.canload) {
const levelObject = this._levels[this.currentLevelIndex];
if (this.curLvlIdx !== null && this.canload) {
const levelObject = this._levels[this.curLvlIdx];
if (typeof levelObject === 'object' &&
levelObject.url.length > 0) {
const level = this.currentLevelIndex;
const level = this.curLvlIdx;
const id = levelObject.urlId;
const url = levelObject.url[id];
logger.log(`Attempt loading level index ${level} with URL-id ${id}`);
// console.log('Current audio track group ID:', this.hls.audioTracks[this.hls.audioTrack].groupId);
// console.log('New video quality level audio group id:', levelObject.attrs.AUDIO, level);
console.log(`Attempt loading level index ${level} with URL-id ${id}`);
this.hls.trigger(Event.LEVEL_LOADING, { url, level, id });
get nextLoadLevel () {
if (this.manualLevelIndex !== -1) {
return this.manualLevelIndex;
get nextLoadLevel() {
if (this.manualLvlIdx !== -1) {
return this.manualLvlIdx;
} else {
return this.hls.nextAutoLevel;
set nextLoadLevel (nextLevel) {
set nextLoadLevel(nextLevel) {
this.level = nextLevel;
if (this.manualLevelIndex === -1) {
if (this.manualLvlIdx === -1) {
this.hls.nextAutoLevel = nextLevel;
@ -7,26 +7,24 @@
* */
import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
export function addGroupId (level, type, id) {
export function addGroupId(level, type, id) {
switch (type) {
case 'audio':
if (!level.audioGroupIds) {
level.audioGroupIds = [];
case 'text':
if (!level.textGroupIds) {
level.textGroupIds = [];
case 'audio':
if (!level.audioGroupIds) {
level.audioGroupIds = [];
case 'text':
if (!level.textGroupIds) {
level.textGroupIds = [];
export function updatePTS (fragments, fromIdx, toIdx) {
export function updatePTS(fragments, fromIdx, toIdx) {
let fragFrom = fragments[fromIdx], fragTo = fragments[toIdx], fragToPTS = fragTo.startPTS;
// if we know startPTS[toIdx]
if (Number.isFinite(fragToPTS)) {
@ -35,12 +33,12 @@ export function updatePTS (fragments, fromIdx, toIdx) {
if (toIdx > fromIdx) {
fragFrom.duration = fragToPTS - fragFrom.start;
if (fragFrom.duration < 0) {
logger.warn(`negative duration computed for frag ${fragFrom.sn},level ${fragFrom.level}, there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!`);
console.warn(`negative duration computed for frag ${fragFrom.sn},level ${fragFrom.level}, there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!`);
} else {
fragTo.duration = fragFrom.start - fragToPTS;
if (fragTo.duration < 0) {
logger.warn(`negative duration computed for frag ${fragTo.sn},level ${fragTo.level}, there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!`);
console.warn(`negative duration computed for frag ${fragTo.sn},level ${fragTo.level}, there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!`);
} else {
@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ export function updatePTS (fragments, fromIdx, toIdx) {
export function updateFragPTSDTS (details, frag, startPTS, endPTS, startDTS, endDTS) {
export function updateFragPTSDTS(details, frag, startPTS, endPTS, startDTS, endDTS) {
// update frag PTS/DTS
let maxStartPTS = startPTS;
if (Number.isFinite(frag.startPTS)) {
@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ export function updateFragPTSDTS (details, frag, startPTS, endPTS, startDTS, end
return drift;
export function mergeDetails (oldDetails, newDetails) {
export function mergeDetails(oldDetails, newDetails) {
// potentially retrieve cached initsegment
if (newDetails.initSegment && oldDetails.initSegment) {
newDetails.initSegment = oldDetails.initSegment;
@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ export function mergeDetails (oldDetails, newDetails) {
if (ccOffset) {
logger.log('discontinuity sliding from playlist, take drift into account');
console.log('discontinuity sliding from playlist, take drift into account');
const newFragments = newDetails.fragments;
for (let i = 0; i < newFragments.length; i++) {
newFragments[i].cc += ccOffset;
@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ export function mergeDetails (oldDetails, newDetails) {
newDetails.PTSKnown = oldDetails.PTSKnown;
export function mergeSubtitlePlaylists (oldPlaylist, newPlaylist, referenceStart = 0) {
export function mergeSubtitlePlaylists(oldPlaylist, newPlaylist, referenceStart = 0) {
let lastIndex = -1;
mapFragmentIntersection(oldPlaylist, newPlaylist, (oldFrag, newFrag, index) => {
newFrag.start = oldFrag.start;
@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ export function mergeSubtitlePlaylists (oldPlaylist, newPlaylist, referenceStart
export function mapFragmentIntersection (oldPlaylist, newPlaylist, intersectionFn) {
export function mapFragmentIntersection(oldPlaylist, newPlaylist, intersectionFn) {
if (!oldPlaylist || !newPlaylist) {
@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ export function mapFragmentIntersection (oldPlaylist, newPlaylist, intersectionF
export function adjustSliding (oldPlaylist, newPlaylist) {
export function adjustSliding(oldPlaylist, newPlaylist) {
const delta = newPlaylist.startSN - oldPlaylist.startSN;
const oldFragments = oldPlaylist.fragments;
const newFragments = newPlaylist.fragments;
@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ export function adjustSliding (oldPlaylist, newPlaylist) {
export function computeReloadInterval (currentPlaylist, newPlaylist, lastRequestTime) {
export function computeReloadInterval(currentPlaylist, newPlaylist, lastRequestTime) {
let reloadInterval = 1000 * (newPlaylist.averagetargetduration ? newPlaylist.averagetargetduration : newPlaylist.targetduration);
const minReloadInterval = reloadInterval / 2;
if (currentPlaylist && newPlaylist.endSN === currentPlaylist.endSN) {
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import HlsEvents from './events.js';
import PlaylistLoader from './loader/playlist-loader.js';
import FragmentLoader from './loader/fragment-loader.js';
import StreamController from './controller/stream-controller.js';
import LevelController from './controller/level-controller.js';
import { hlsDefaultConfig } from './config.js';
import { Observer } from './observer.js';
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ class Hls extends Observer {
this.pLoader = new PlaylistLoader(this);
this.streamController = new StreamController(this);
this.levelController = new LevelController(this);
this.fragmentLoader = new FragmentLoader(this);
this.config = hlsDefaultConfig;
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ class Hls extends Observer {
// url is the source URL. Can be relative or absolute.
loadSource(url, callback) {
this.loadSuccess = callback;
url = URLToolkit.buildAbsoluteURL(window.location.href, url, { alwaysNormalize: true });
this.trigger(HlsEvents.MANIFEST_LOADING, { url: url });
@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ class PlayerWorker {
if (frame != null) {
postMessage({ msg: "frame", data: frame.buffer }, [frame.buffer]);
setTimeout(() => { this.start(); }, 1000 / this.frameRate);
} else {
postMessage({ msg: "stop" });
Reference in New Issue