mirror of https://bitbucket.org/ausocean/av.git
rtmp: remove C_AVal
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,11 +31,6 @@ LICENSE
package rtmp
import (
const (
@ -62,38 +57,6 @@ const (
// amf.h +40
type C_AMFDataType int32
// typedef struct C_AVal
// amf.h +57
type C_AVal struct {
av_val *byte
av_len int32
func (s *C_AVal) String() string { return CAV(s) }
// C_AVal is in amf.h
// amf.h +62
func AVC(str string) C_AVal {
var aval C_AVal
if len(str) != 0 {
aval.av_val = &([]byte(str)[0])
} else {
aval.av_val = nil
aval.av_len = int32(len(str))
return aval
func CAV(av *C_AVal) string {
if av.av_len <= 0 || av.av_val == nil {
if av.av_len < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid length: %d", av.av_len))
return ""
return string((*[_Gi]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(av.av_val))[:av.av_len])
// typedef struct AMF_Object
// amf.h +67
type C_AMFObject struct {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import (
// int RTMP_ParseURL(const char *url, int *protocol, AVal *host, unsigned int *port, AVal *playpath, AVal *app);
// parseurl.c +33
func C_RTMP_ParseURL(addr string) (protocol int32, host C_AVal, port uint16, playpath, app C_AVal, ok bool) {
func C_RTMP_ParseURL(addr string) (protocol int32, host string, port uint16, app, playpath string, ok bool) {
u, err := url.Parse(addr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to parse addr: %v", err)
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func C_RTMP_ParseURL(addr string) (protocol int32, host C_AVal, port uint16, pla
return protocol, host, port, app, playpath, false
host = AVC(u.Host)
host = u.Host
if p := u.Port(); p != "" {
pi, err := strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil {
@ -79,25 +79,24 @@ func C_RTMP_ParseURL(addr string) (protocol int32, host C_AVal, port uint16, pla
if !path.IsAbs(u.Path) {
return protocol, host, port, playpath, app, true
return protocol, host, port, app, playpath, true
elems := strings.SplitN(u.Path[1:], "/", 3)
app = AVC(elems[0])
playpath = AVC(elems[1])
app = elems[0]
playpath = elems[1]
if len(elems) == 3 && len(elems[2]) != 0 {
inst := path.Join(elems[1:]...)
switch ext := path.Ext(inst); ext {
playpath = path.Join(elems[1:]...)
switch ext := path.Ext(playpath); ext {
case ".f4v", ".mp4":
inst = "mp4:" + inst[:len(inst)-len(ext)]
playpath = "mp4:" + playpath[:len(playpath)-len(ext)]
case ".mp3":
inst = "mp3:" + inst[:len(inst)-len(ext)]
playpath = "mp3:" + playpath[:len(playpath)-len(ext)]
case ".flv":
inst = inst[:len(inst)-len(ext)]
playpath = playpath[:len(playpath)-len(ext)]
if u.RawQuery != "" {
inst += "?" + u.RawQuery
playpath += "?" + u.RawQuery
playpath = AVC(inst)
return protocol, host, port, app, playpath, true
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ import (
@ -263,31 +264,21 @@ func C_RTMP_SetBufferMS(r *C_RTMP, size int32) {
// void SocksSetup(RTMP *r, C_AVal* sockshost);
// rtmp.c +410
func C_SocksSetup(r *C_RTMP, sockshost *C_AVal) {
if sockshost.av_len != 0 {
socksport := strchr((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sockshost.av_val)), ':')
hostname := strdup((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sockshost.av_val)))
if unsafe.Pointer(socksport) != nil {
int(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sockshost.av_val)))))] = '\000'
r.Link.sockshost.av_val = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(hostname))
r.Link.sockshost.av_len = int32(strlen(hostname))
value, err := strconv.Atoi(string((*[_Gi]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(
unsafe.Pointer(socksport)) + uintptr(1)))[:strlen((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(
func C_SocksSetup(r *C_RTMP, sockshost string) {
if sockshost != "" {
p := strings.SplitN(sockshost, ":", 2)
r.Link.sockshost = p[0]
r.Link.socksport = 1080
if len(p) != 1 {
port, err := strconv.Atoi(p[1])
if err != nil {
port = 1080
log.Println("C_SocksSetup: bad string conversion!")
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(socksport)) == 0 {
value = 1080
r.Link.socksport = uint16(value)
r.Link.socksport = uint16(port)
} else {
r.Link.sockshost.av_val = nil
r.Link.sockshost.av_len = 0
r.Link.sockshost = ""
r.Link.socksport = 0
@ -302,17 +293,17 @@ func C_RTMP_SetupURL(r *C_RTMP, addr string) (ok bool) {
r.Link.playpath = r.Link.playpath0
if r.Link.tcUrl.av_len == 0 {
if r.Link.app.av_len != 0 {
r.Link.tcUrl = AVC(fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v:%v/%v",
RTMPProtocolStringsLower[r.Link.protocol], &r.Link.hostname, r.Link.port, &r.Link.app))
if r.Link.tcUrl == "" {
if r.Link.app != "" {
r.Link.tcUrl = fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v:%v/%v",
RTMPProtocolStringsLower[r.Link.protocol], r.Link.hostname, r.Link.port, r.Link.app)
r.Link.lFlags |= RTMP_LF_FTCU
} else {
r.Link.tcUrl = AVC(addr)
r.Link.tcUrl = addr
C_SocksSetup(r, &r.Link.sockshost)
C_SocksSetup(r, r.Link.sockshost)
if r.Link.port == 0 {
switch {
@ -329,20 +320,11 @@ func C_RTMP_SetupURL(r *C_RTMP, addr string) (ok bool) {
// int add_addr_info(struct sockaddr_in *service, AVal *host, int port)
// rtmp.c +869
func C_add_addr_info(service *C.sockaddr_in, host *C_AVal, port C.int) (ok bool) {
var hostname *byte
if (*[1 << 20]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(host.av_val))[host.av_len] != 0 {
name := make([]byte, host.av_len+1)
copy(name, (*[1 << 20]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(host.av_val))[:host.av_len])
name[len(name)-1] = 0
hostname = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&name[0]))
} else {
hostname = host.av_val
service.sin_addr.s_addr = C.inet_addr((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(hostname)))
func C_add_addr_info(service *C.sockaddr_in, hostname string, port uint16) (ok bool) {
h := (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(goStrToCStr(hostname)))
service.sin_addr.s_addr = C.inet_addr(h)
if service.sin_addr.s_addr == C.INADDR_NONE {
host := C.gethostbyname((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(hostname)))
host := C.gethostbyname(h)
if host == nil || *host.h_addr_list == nil {
//RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "Problem accessing the DNS. (addr: %s)", hostname)
return false
@ -350,7 +332,7 @@ func C_add_addr_info(service *C.sockaddr_in, host *C_AVal, port C.int) (ok bool)
service.sin_addr = *(*C.struct_in_addr)(unsafe.Pointer(*host.h_addr_list))
service.sin_port = C.ushort(inet.Htons(uint16(port)))
service.sin_port = C.ushort(inet.Htons(port))
return true
@ -426,7 +408,7 @@ func C_RTMP_Connect(r *C_RTMP, cp *C_RTMPPacket) (ok bool) {
// TODO: port this
var service C.sockaddr_in
if r.Link.hostname.av_len == 0 {
if r.Link.hostname == "" {
return false
memset((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&service)), 0, int(unsafe.Sizeof(service)))
@ -435,12 +417,12 @@ func C_RTMP_Connect(r *C_RTMP, cp *C_RTMPPacket) (ok bool) {
service.sin_family = C.AF_INET
if r.Link.socksport != 0 {
if !C_add_addr_info(&service, (*C_AVal)(unsafe.Pointer(&r.Link.sockshost)), C.int(r.Link.socksport)) {
if !C_add_addr_info(&service, r.Link.sockshost, r.Link.socksport) {
return false
} else {
// connect directly
if !C_add_addr_info(&service, (*C_AVal)(unsafe.Pointer(&r.Link.hostname)), C.int(r.Link.port)) {
if !C_add_addr_info(&service, r.Link.hostname, r.Link.port) {
return false
@ -461,7 +443,7 @@ func C_SocksNegotiate(r *C_RTMP) (ok bool) {
memset((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&service)), 0, int(unsafe.Sizeof(service)))
C_add_addr_info(&service, (*C_AVal)(unsafe.Pointer(&r.Link.hostname)), C.int(r.Link.port))
C_add_addr_info(&service, r.Link.hostname, r.Link.port)
addr = int32(inet.Htonl(uint32(service.sin_addr.s_addr)))
@ -711,7 +693,7 @@ func C_SendConnectPacket(r *C_RTMP, cp *C_RTMPPacket) (ok bool) {
enc = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(incBytePtr(unsafe.Pointer(enc), 1)))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_app, CAV(&r.Link.app))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_app, r.Link.app)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -722,21 +704,21 @@ func C_SendConnectPacket(r *C_RTMP, cp *C_RTMPPacket) (ok bool) {
if r.Link.flashVer.av_len != 0 {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_flashVer, CAV(&r.Link.flashVer))
if r.Link.flashVer != "" {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_flashVer, r.Link.flashVer)
if enc == nil {
return false
if r.Link.swfUrl.av_len != 0 {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_swfUrl, CAV(&r.Link.swfUrl))
if r.Link.swfUrl != "" {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_swfUrl, r.Link.swfUrl)
if enc == nil {
return false
if r.Link.tcUrl.av_len != 0 {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_tcUrl, CAV(&r.Link.tcUrl))
if r.Link.tcUrl != "" {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_tcUrl, r.Link.tcUrl)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -763,8 +745,8 @@ func C_SendConnectPacket(r *C_RTMP, cp *C_RTMPPacket) (ok bool) {
if enc == nil {
return false
if r.Link.pageUrl.av_len != 0 {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_pageUrl, CAV(&r.Link.pageUrl))
if r.Link.pageUrl != "" {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, av_pageUrl, r.Link.pageUrl)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -791,12 +773,12 @@ func C_SendConnectPacket(r *C_RTMP, cp *C_RTMPPacket) (ok bool) {
enc = (*byte)(incBytePtr(unsafe.Pointer(enc), 1))
/* add auth string */
if r.Link.auth.av_len != 0 {
if r.Link.auth != "" {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeBoolean(enc, pend, r.Link.lFlags&RTMP_LF_AUTH != 0)
if enc == nil {
return false
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, (*byte)(pend), CAV(&r.Link.auth))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, (*byte)(pend), r.Link.auth)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -873,7 +855,7 @@ func C_SendReleaseStream(r *C_RTMP) (ok bool) {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, float64(r.m_numInvokes))
*enc = AMF_NULL
enc = (*byte)(incBytePtr(unsafe.Pointer(enc), 1))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, CAV(&r.Link.playpath))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, r.Link.playpath)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -906,7 +888,7 @@ func C_SendFCPublish(r *C_RTMP) (ok bool) {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, float64(r.m_numInvokes))
*enc = AMF_NULL
enc = (*byte)(incBytePtr(unsafe.Pointer(enc), 1))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, CAV(&r.Link.playpath))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, r.Link.playpath)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -939,7 +921,7 @@ func C_SendFCUnpublish(r *C_RTMP) (ok bool) {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, float64(r.m_numInvokes))
*enc = AMF_NULL
enc = (*byte)(incBytePtr(unsafe.Pointer(enc), 1))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, CAV(&r.Link.playpath))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, r.Link.playpath)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -974,7 +956,7 @@ func C_SendPublish(r *C_RTMP) (ok bool) {
enc = C_AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, float64(r.m_numInvokes))
*enc = AMF_NULL
enc = (*byte)(incBytePtr(unsafe.Pointer(enc), 1))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, CAV(&r.Link.playpath))
enc = C_AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, r.Link.playpath)
if enc == nil {
return false
@ -1157,7 +1139,7 @@ func C_HandleInvoke(r *C_RTMP, body *byte, nBodySize uint32) (ok bool) {
switch methodInvoked {
case av_connect:
if r.Link.token.av_len != 0 {
if r.Link.token != "" {
panic("No support for link token")
@ -1907,14 +1889,12 @@ func C_CloseInternal(r *C_RTMP, reconnect int32) {
r.m_unackd = 0
if ((r.Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_FTCU) != 0) && (reconnect == 0) {
r.Link.app.av_val = nil
r.Link.app = ""
r.Link.lFlags ^= RTMP_LF_FAPU
if reconnect == 0 {
r.Link.playpath0.av_val = nil
r.Link.playpath0 = ""
@ -154,21 +154,21 @@ func C_RTMPPacket_IsReady(p *C_RTMPPacket) bool {
// typedef struct RTMP_LNK
// rtmp.h +144
type C_RTMP_LNK struct {
hostname C_AVal
sockshost C_AVal
playpath0 C_AVal
playpath C_AVal
tcUrl C_AVal
swfUrl C_AVal
pageUrl C_AVal
app C_AVal
auth C_AVal
flashVer C_AVal
subscribepath C_AVal
usherToken C_AVal
token C_AVal
pubUser C_AVal
pubPasswd C_AVal
hostname string
sockshost string
playpath0 string
playpath string
tcUrl string
swfUrl string
pageUrl string
app string
auth string
flashVer string
subscribepath string
usherToken string
token string
pubUser string
pubPasswd string
extras C_AMFObject
edepth int32
seekTime int32
Reference in New Issue