codec/h264/h264dec/sps.go: commented fields of syntax structures

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Saxon 2019-07-31 20:25:38 +09:30
parent 1d6c501bb8
commit 7a4ee894d4
1 changed files with 342 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -63,49 +63,156 @@ var (
// SPS describes a sequence parameter set as defined by section in
// the Specifications.
// For semantics see section Comments for fields are excerpts from
// section
type SPS struct {
Profile uint8
Constraint0 bool
Constraint1 bool
Constraint2 bool
Constraint3 bool
Constraint4 bool
Constraint5 bool
LevelIDC uint8
SPSID uint64
ChromaFormatIDC uint64
SeparateColorPlaneFlag bool
BitDepthLumaMinus8 uint64
BitDepthChromaMinus8 uint64
// pofile_idx and level_idc indicate the profile and level to which the
// coded video sequence conforms.
Profile, LevelIDC uint8
// The constraint_setx_flag flags specify the constraints defined in A.2 for
// which this stream conforms.
Constraint0 bool
Constraint1 bool
Constraint2 bool
Constraint3 bool
Constraint4 bool
Constraint5 bool
// seq_parameter_set_id identifies this sequence parameter set, and can then
// be reference by the picture parameter set. The seq_parameter_set_id is
// in the range of 0 to 30 inclusive.
SPSID uint64
// chroma_format_idc specifies the chroma sampling relative to the luma
// sampling as specified in caluse 6.2. Range of chroma_format_idc is in
// from 0 to 3 inclusive.
ChromaFormatIDC uint64
// separate_color_plane_flag if true specifies that the three components of
// the 4:4:4 chroma formta are coded separately.
SeparateColorPlaneFlag bool
// bit_depth_luma_minus8 specifies the luma array sample bit depth and the
// luma quantisation parameter range offset QpBdOffset_y (eq 7-3 and 7-4).
BitDepthLumaMinus8 uint64
// bit_depth_luma_minus8 specifies the chroma array sample bit depth and the
// chroma quantisation parameter range offset QpBdOffset_c (eq 7-3 and 7-4).
BitDepthChromaMinus8 uint64
// qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag equal to 1 specifies that, when QP Y
// is equal to 0, a transform bypass operation for the transform coefficient
// decoding process and picture construction process prior to deblocking
// filter process as specified in clause 8.5 shall be applied.
QPPrimeYZeroTransformBypassFlag bool
SeqScalingMatrixPresentFlag bool
SeqScalingListPresentFlag []bool
ScalingList4x4 [][]uint64
UseDefaultScalingMatrix4x4Flag []bool
ScalingList8x8 [][]uint64
UseDefaultScalingMatrix8x8Flag []bool
Log2MaxFrameNumMinus4 uint64
PicOrderCountType uint64
Log2MaxPicOrderCntLSBMin4 uint64
DeltaPicOrderAlwaysZeroFlag bool
OffsetForNonRefPic int64
OffsetForTopToBottomField int64
NumRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle uint64
OffsetForRefFrameList []int
MaxNumRefFrames uint64
GapsInFrameNumValueAllowed bool
PicWidthInMBSMinus1 uint64
PicHeightInMapUnitsMinus1 uint64
FrameMBSOnlyFlag bool
MBAdaptiveFrameFieldFlag bool
Direct8x8InferenceFlag bool
FrameCroppingFlag bool
FrameCropLeftOffset uint64
FrameCropRightOffset uint64
FrameCropTopOffset uint64
FrameCropBottomOffset uint64
VUIParametersPresentFlag bool
VUIParameters *VUIParameters
// seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag equal to 1 specifies that
// seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ i ] are present. When 0 they are not present
// and the sequence-level scaling lists specified by Flat_4x4_16 and
// Flat_8x8_16 shall be inferred.
SeqScalingMatrixPresentFlag bool
// seq_scaling_lit_present_flag[i] specifics whether the syntax structure for
// scaling list i is present. If 1 then present, otherwise not, and scaling
// list for i is inferred as per rule set A in table 7-2.
SeqScalingListPresentFlag []bool
// The 4x4 sequence scaling lists for each i.
ScalingList4x4 [][]uint64
// Flag to indicate for a 4x4 scaling list, if we use the default.
UseDefaultScalingMatrix4x4Flag []bool
// The 8x8 sequence scaling lists for each i.
ScalingList8x8 [][]uint64
// Flag to indicate for a 8x8 scaling list, if we use the default.
UseDefaultScalingMatrix8x8Flag []bool
// log2_max_frame_num_minus4 allows for derivation of MaxFrameNum using eq 7-10.
Log2MaxFrameNumMinus4 uint64
// pic_order_cnt_type specifiess the method to decode picture order count.
PicOrderCountType uint64
// log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 allows for the dreivation of
// MaxPicOrderCntLsb using eq 7-11.
Log2MaxPicOrderCntLSBMin4 uint64
// delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag if true indicates delta_pic_order_cnt[0]
// and delta_pic_order_cnt[1].
DeltaPicOrderAlwaysZeroFlag bool
// offset_for_non_ref_pic is used to calculate the picture order count of a
// non-reference picture as specified in clause 8.2.1.
OffsetForNonRefPic int64
// offset_for_top_to_bottom_field is used to calculate the picture order count
// of a bottom field as specified in clause 8.2.1.
OffsetForTopToBottomField int64
// num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle is used in the decoding process for
// picture order count as specified in clause 8.2.1.
NumRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle uint64
// offset_for_ref_frame[ i ] is an element of a list of
// num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle values used in the decoding process
// for picture order count as specified in clause 8.2.1.
OffsetForRefFrameList []int
// max_num_ref_frames specifies the max number of short-term and long-term
// reference frames, complementary reference field pairs, and non-paired
// reference fields that may be used by the decoding process for inter prediction.
MaxNumRefFrames uint64
// gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag specifies the allowed values of
// frame_num as specified in clause 7.4.3 and the decoding process in case of
// an inferred gap between values of frame_num as specified in clause
GapsInFrameNumValueAllowed bool
// pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 plus 1 specifies the width of each decode picutre
// in units of macroblocks. See eq 7-13.
PicWidthInMBSMinus1 uint64
// pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 plus 1 specifies the height in slice group
// map units of a decoded frame or field. See eq 7-16.
PicHeightInMapUnitsMinus1 uint64
// frame_mbs_only_flag if 0 coded pictures of the coded video sequence may be
// coded fields or coded frames. If 1 every coded picture of the coded video
// sequence is a coded frame containing only frame macroblocks.
FrameMBSOnlyFlag bool
// mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag if 0 specifies no switching between
// frame and field macroblocks within a picture. If 1 specifies the possible
// use of switching between frame and field macroblocks within frames.
MBAdaptiveFrameFieldFlag bool
// direct_8x8_inference_flag specifies the method used in the derivation
// process for luma motion vectors for B_Skip, B_Direct_16x16 and B_Direct_8x8
// as specified in clause
Direct8x8InferenceFlag bool
// frame_cropping_flag if 1 then frame cropping offset parameters are next in
// the sequence parameter set. If 0 they are not.
FrameCroppingFlag bool
// frame_crop_left_offset, frame_crop_right_offset, frame_crop_top_offset,
// frame_crop_bottom_offset specify the samples of the pictures in the coded
// video sequence that are output from the decoding process, in terms of a
// rectangular region specified in frame coordinates for output.
FrameCropLeftOffset uint64
FrameCropRightOffset uint64
FrameCropTopOffset uint64
FrameCropBottomOffset uint64
// vui_parameters_present_flag if 1 the vui_parameters() syntax structure is
// present, otherwise it is not.
VUIParametersPresentFlag bool
// The vui_parameters() syntax structure specified in appendix E.
VUIParameters *VUIParameters
// NewSPS parses a sequence parameter set raw byte sequence from br following
@ -225,41 +332,158 @@ func NewSPS(rbsp []byte, showPacket bool) (*SPS, error) {
// SPS describes a sequence parameter set as defined by section E.1.1 in the
// Specifications.
// Semantics for fields are define in section E.2.1. Comments on fields are
// excerpts from the this section.
type VUIParameters struct {
AspectRatioInfoPresentFlag bool
AspectRatioIDC uint8
SARWidth uint32
SARHeight uint32
OverscanInfoPresentFlag bool
OverscanAppropriateFlag bool
VideoSignalTypePresentFlag bool
VideoFormat uint8
VideoFullRangeFlag bool
ColorDescriptionPresentFlag bool
ColorPrimaries uint8
TransferCharacteristics uint8
MatrixCoefficients uint8
ChromaLocInfoPresentFlag bool
ChromaSampleLocTypeTopField uint64
ChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField uint64
TimingInfoPresentFlag bool
NumUnitsInTick uint32
TimeScale uint32
FixedFrameRateFlag bool
NALHRDParametersPresentFlag bool
NALHRDParameters *HRDParameters
VCLHRDParametersPresentFlag bool
VCLHRDParameters *HRDParameters
LowDelayHRDFlag bool
PicStructPresentFlag bool
BitstreamRestrictionFlag bool
// aspect_ratio_info_present_flag if 1 then aspect_ratio_idc is present,
// otherwsise is not.
AspectRatioInfoPresentFlag bool
// aspect_ratio_idc specifies the value of sample aspect ratio of the luma samples.
AspectRatioIDC uint8
// sar_width indicates the horizontal size of the sample aspect ratio (in
// arbitrary units).
SARWidth uint32
// sar_height indicates the vertical size of the sample aspect ratio (in the
// same arbitrary units as sar_width).
SARHeight uint32
// overscan_info_present_flag if 1 then overscan_appropriate_flag is present,
// otherwise if 0, then the display method for the video signal is unspecified.
OverscanInfoPresentFlag bool
// overscan_appropriate_flag if 1 then the cropped decoded pictures output
// are suitable for display using overscan, othersise if 0, then the cropped
// decoded pictures output should not be displayed using overscan.
OverscanAppropriateFlag bool
// video_signal_type_present_flag equal to 1 specifies that video_format,
// video_full_range_flag and colour_description_present_flag are present,
// otherwise if 0, then they are not present.
VideoSignalTypePresentFlag bool
// video_format indicates the representation of the pictures as specified in
// Table E-2, before being coded in accordance with this Recommendation |
// International Standard.
VideoFormat uint8
// video_full_range_flag indicates the black level and range of the luma and
// chroma signals as derived from E_Y, E_PB, and E_PR or E_R, E_G,
// and E_B real-valued component signals.
VideoFullRangeFlag bool
// colour_description_present_flag if 1 specifies that colour_primaries,
// transfer_characteristics and matrix_coefficients are present, otherwise if
// 0 then they are not present.
ColorDescriptionPresentFlag bool
// colour_primaries indicates the chromaticity coordinates of the source
// primaries as specified in Table E-3 in terms of the CIE 1931 definition of
// x and y as specified by ISO 11664-1.
ColorPrimaries uint8
// transfer_characteristics either indicates the reference opto-electronic
// transfer characteristic function of the source picture, or indicates the
// inverse of the reference electro-optical transfer characteristic function.
TransferCharacteristics uint8
// matrix_coefficients describes the matrix coefficients used in deriving luma
// and chroma signals from the green, blue, and red, or Y, Z, and X primaries,
// as specified in Table E-5.
MatrixCoefficients uint8
// chroma_loc_info_present_flag if 1 specifies that chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field
// and chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field are present, otherwise if 0,
// they are not present.
ChromaLocInfoPresentFlag bool
// chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field and chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field
// specify the location of chroma samples.
ChromaSampleLocTypeTopField, ChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField uint64
// timing_info_present_flag if 1 specifies that num_units_in_tick, time_scale
// and fixed_frame_rate_flag are present in the bitstream, otherwise if 0,
// they are not present.
TimingInfoPresentFlag bool
// num_units_in_tick is the number of time units of a clock operating at the
// frequency time_scale Hz that corresponds to one increment (called a clock
// tick) of a clock tick counter.
NumUnitsInTick uint32
// time_scale is the number of time units that pass in one second.
TimeScale uint32
// fixed_frame_rate_flag if 1 indicates that the temporal distance
// between the HRD output times of any two consecutive pictures in output
// order is constrained as follows. fixed_frame_rate_flag equal to 0 indicates
// that no such constraints apply to the temporal distance between the HRD
// output times of any two consecutive pictures in output order.
FixedFrameRateFlag bool
// nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag if 1 then NAL HRD parameters (pertaining to
// Type II bitstream conformance) are present, otherwise if 0, then they
// are not present.
NALHRDParametersPresentFlag bool
// The nal_hrd_parameters() syntax structure as specified in section E.1.2.
NALHRDParameters *HRDParameters
// vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag if 1 specifies that VCL HRD parameters
// (pertaining to all bitstream conformance) are present, otherwise if 0, then
// they are not present.
VCLHRDParametersPresentFlag bool
// The vcl_nal_hrd_parameters() syntax structure as specified in section E.1.2.
VCLHRDParameters *HRDParameters
// low_delay_hrd_flag specifies the HRD operational mode as specified in Annex C.
LowDelayHRDFlag bool
// pic_struct_present_flag if 1 then picture timing SEI messages (clause D.2.3)
// are present that include the pic_struct syntax element, otherwise if 0, then
// not present.
PicStructPresentFlag bool
// bitstream_restriction_flag if 1, then the following coded video sequence
// bitstream restriction parameters are present, otherwise if 0, then they are
// not present.
BitstreamRestrictionFlag bool
// motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag if 0 then no sample outside the
// picture boundaries and no sample at a fractional sample position for which
// the sample value is derived using one or more samples outside the picture
// boundaries is used for inter prediction of any sample, otherwise if 1,
// indicates that one or more samples outside picture boundaries may be used
// in inter prediction.
MotionVectorsOverPicBoundariesFlag bool
MaxBytesPerPicDenom uint64
MaxBitsPerMBDenom uint64
Log2MaxMVLengthHorizontal uint64
Log2MaxMVLengthVertical uint64
MaxNumReorderFrames uint64
MaxDecFrameBuffering uint64
// max_bytes_per_pic_denom indicates a number of bytes not exceeded by the sum
// of the sizes of the VCL NAL units associated with any coded picture in the
// coded video sequence.
MaxBytesPerPicDenom uint64
// max_bits_per_mb_denom indicates an upper bound for the number of coded bits
// of macroblock_layer() data for any macroblock in any picture of the coded
// video sequence.
MaxBitsPerMBDenom uint64
// log2_max_mv_length_horizontal and log2_max_mv_length_vertical indicate the
// maximum absolute value of a decoded horizontal and vertical motion vector
// component, respectively, in 14 luma sample units, for all pictures in the
// coded video sequence.
Log2MaxMVLengthHorizontal, Log2MaxMVLengthVertical uint64
// max_num_reorder_frames indicates an upper bound for the number of frames
// buffers, in the decoded picture buffer (DPB), that are required for storing
// frames, complementary field pairs, and non-paired fields before output.
MaxNumReorderFrames uint64
// max_dec_frame_buffering specifies the required size of the HRD decoded
// picture buffer (DPB) in units of frame buffers.
MaxDecFrameBuffering uint64
// NewVUIParameters parses video usability information parameters from br
@ -357,17 +581,52 @@ func NewVUIParameters(br *bits.BitReader) (*VUIParameters, error) {
// HRDParameters describes hypothetical reference decoder parameters as defined
// by section E.1.2 in the specifications.
// Field semantics are defined in section E.2.2. Comments on fields are excerpts
// from section E.2.2.
type HRDParameters struct {
CPBCntMinus1 uint64
BitRateScale uint8
CPBSizeScale uint8
BitRateValueMinus1 []uint64
CPBSizeValueMinus1 []uint64
CBRFlag []bool
// cpb_cnt_minus1 plus 1 specifies the number of alternative CPB specifications
// in the bitstream.
CPBCntMinus1 uint64
// bit_rate_scale (together with bit_rate_value_minus1[ SchedSelIdx ])
// specifies the maximum input bit rate of the SchedSelIdx-th CPB.
BitRateScale uint8
// cpb_size_scale (together with cpb_size_value_minus1[ SchedSelIdx ])
// specifies the CPB size of the SchedSelIdx-th CPB.
CPBSizeScale uint8
// bit_rate_value_minus1[ SchedSelIdx ] (together with bit_rate_scale)
//specifies the maximum input bit rate for the SchedSelIdx-th CPB.
BitRateValueMinus1 []uint64
// cpb_size_value_minus1[ SchedSelIdx ] is used together with cpb_size_scale
// to specify the SchedSelIdx-th CPB size.
CPBSizeValueMinus1 []uint64
// cbr_flag[ SchedSelIdx ] equal to 0 specifies that to decode this bitstream
// by the HRD using the SchedSelIdx-th CPB specification, the hypothetical
// stream delivery scheduler (HSS) operates in an intermittent bit rate mode,
// otherwise if 1 specifies that the HSS operates in a constant bit rate mode.
CBRFlag []bool
// initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 specifies the length in bits of the
// initial_cpb_removal_delay[ SchedSelIdx ] and
// initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset[ SchedSelIdx ] syntax elements of the
// buffering period SEI message.
InitialCPBRemovalDelayLenMinus1 uint8
CPBRemovalDelayLenMinus1 uint8
DPBOutputDelayLenMinus1 uint8
TimeOffsetLen uint8
// cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 specifies the length in bits of the
// cpb_removal_delay syntax element.
CPBRemovalDelayLenMinus1 uint8
// dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 specifies the length in bits of the
// dpb_output_delay syntax element.
DPBOutputDelayLenMinus1 uint8
// time_offset_length greater than 0 specifies the length in bits of the
// time_offset syntax element.
TimeOffsetLen uint8
// NewHRDParameters parses hypothetical reference decoder parameter from br