diff --git a/stream/mts/psi/psi.go b/stream/mts/psi/psi.go
index 3047106f..05cd2c3e 100644
--- a/stream/mts/psi/psi.go
+++ b/stream/mts/psi/psi.go
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ const (
 	DescDefLen = 2
 	PMTDefLen  = 4
 	PATLen     = 4
+	TSSDefLen  = 5
+	PSIDefLen  = 3
 // Program specific information
@@ -16,17 +18,17 @@ type PSI struct {
 	pb  bool   // Private bit (0 for PAT, PMT, CAT)
 	sl  uint16 // Section length
 	tss *TSS   // Table syntax section (length defined by SL) if length 0 then nil
+	crc uint32 // crc32 of entire table excluding pointer field, pointer filler bytes and the trailing CRC32
 // Table syntax section
 type TSS struct {
-	tie uint16 // Table ID extension
-	v   byte   // Version number
-	cni bool   // Current/next indicator
-	sn  byte   // Section number
-	lsn byte   // Last section number
-	sd  SD     // Specific data PAT/PMT
-	crc []byte // crc32 of entire table excluding pointer field, pointer filler bytes and the trailing CRC32
+	tide uint16 // Table ID extension
+	v    byte   // Version number
+	cni  bool   // Current/next indicator
+	sn   byte   // Section number
+	lsn  byte   // Last section number
+	sd   SD     // Specific data PAT/PMT
 // Specific Data, (could be PAT or PMT)
@@ -63,15 +65,35 @@ type Desc struct {
 	dd []byte // Descriptor data
+// TODO: Implement this
 func ReadPSI(data []byte) *PSI {
 	return nil
-func (p *PSI) Bytes() (out []byte) {
+func (p *PSI) Bytes() []byte {
+	l := 1 + len(p.pfb)
+	out := make([]byte, l+PSIDefLen)
+	out[0] = p.pf
+	for i, b := range p.pfb {
+		out[1+i] = b
+	}
+	out[l] = p.tid
+	out[l+1] = 0x80 | 0x40 | 0x30 | (0x03 & byte(p.sl>>8))
+	out[l+2] = byte(p.sl)
+	out = append(out, p.tss.Bytes()...)
+	crc32 := crc32_op()
 	return nil
-func (t *TSS) Fill(s []byte) {
+func (t *TSS) Bytes() []byte {
+	out := make([]byte, TSSDefLen)
+	out[0] = byte(t.tide >> 8)
+	out[1] = byte(t.tide)
+	out[2] = 0xc0 | (0x3e & (t.v << 1)) | (0x01 & boolToByte(t.cni))
+	out[3] = t.sn
+	out[4] = t.lsn
+	out = append(out, t.sd.Bytes()...)
+	return out
 func (p *PAT) Bytes() []byte {
@@ -118,3 +140,10 @@ func (e *ESSD) Bytes() []byte {
 	return out
+func boolToByte(b bool) byte {
+	if b {
+		return 0x01
+	}
+	return 0x00