getting rid of some bad output

This commit is contained in:
Saxon1 2018-04-19 19:18:29 +09:30
parent 583374a94c
commit 323a0ae83a
1 changed files with 1 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ const (
httpTimeOut = 5 // s
packetsPerFrame = 7
h264BufferSize = 1000000
bitrateTime = 60
bitrateTime = 10 // s
mjpegParserInChanLen = 100000
ffmpegPath = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg"
rtmpConnectionTimout = 10
@ -132,8 +132,6 @@ func NewRevid(config Config) (r *revid, err error) {
r.outputChan = make(chan []byte, outputChanSize)
go r.packClips()
r.Log(Info, "New revid instance created! config is:")
r.Log(Info, fmt.Sprintf("%v", r.config))
@ -354,9 +352,6 @@ func (r *revid) outputClips() {
// If the ringbuffer has something we can read and send off
if clip, err := r.ringBuffer.Read(); err == nil {
//r.Log(Debug, fmt.Sprintf("Delay is: %v\n", delay))
r.Log(Debug, fmt.Sprintf("Ring buffer size: %v\n", r.ringBuffer.GetNoOfElements()))
// Output clip to the output specified in the configuration struct
bytes += len(clip)
errorCount := 0
for err := r.sendClip(clip); err != nil; errorCount++ {