rtmp: clean up C_HandShake

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Dan Kortschak 2018-09-19 14:57:13 +09:30
parent cb47db73c8
commit 29f7d24623
1 changed files with 13 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1391,30 +1391,25 @@ func C_RTMP_ReadPacket(r *C_RTMP, packet *C_RTMPPacket) (ok bool) {
// int HandShake(RTMP* r, int FP9HandShake);
// rtmp.c +3744
func C_HandShake(r *C_RTMP, FP9HandShake int32) (ok bool) {
var uptime, suptime uint32
var typ [1]byte
//clientbuf := make([]byte, RTMP_SIG_SIZE+1)
var clientbuf [RTMP_SIG_SIZE + 1]byte
clientsig := (*byte)(incBytePtr(unsafe.Pointer(&clientbuf[0]), 1))
//serversig := make([]byte, RTMP_SIG_SIZE)
clientsig := clientbuf[1:]
var serversig [RTMP_SIG_SIZE]byte
clientbuf[0] = 0x03 // not encrypted
// TODO: port rtmp_getTime
uptime = inet.Htonl(uint32(C_RTMP_GetTime()))
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(clientsig), unsafe.Pointer(&uptime), 4)
memset((*byte)(sliceToPtr((*[_Gi]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(clientsig))[4:])), 0, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(clientsig, uint32(C_RTMP_GetTime()))
copy(clientsig[4:8], []byte{0, 0, 0, 0})
for i := 8; i < RTMP_SIG_SIZE; i++ {
(*[_Gi]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(clientsig))[i] = byte(rand.Intn(256))
clientsig[i] = byte(rand.Intn(256))
if !C_WriteN(r, pl2b(&clientbuf[0], RTMP_SIG_SIZE+1)) {
if !C_WriteN(r, clientbuf[:]) {
return false
var typ [1]byte
if C_ReadN(r, typ[:]) != 1 {
return false
@ -1431,11 +1426,14 @@ func C_HandShake(r *C_RTMP, FP9HandShake int32) (ok bool) {
// decode server response
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&suptime), unsafe.Pointer(&serversig[0]), 4)
suptime = inet.Ntohl(suptime)
suptime := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(serversig[:4])
_ = suptime
// RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Server Uptime : %d", __FUNCTION__, suptime)
// RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: FMS Version : %d.%d.%d.%d", __FUNCTION__,
// serversig[4], serversig[5], serversig[6], serversig[7])
// 2nd part of handshake
if !C_WriteN(r, pl2b(&serversig[0], RTMP_SIG_SIZE)) {
if !C_WriteN(r, serversig[:]) {
return false